Chapter 32

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Charles fever went down drastically the next day, he carried his duties as a prince leaving Nicole to wonder if she was talking to two different people from her point of he. He seemed so calm yet gentle when he is in true form. Jasper did his best to answer her questions that seem to familiar to him.

"Tell me something Jasper, does Charles have to two different personalities? Be honest with me he seems a bit more blunt now then before.."

"Well Nicole he is the same as he always is, I mean yes he can be a pain in the Butt-"

Charles walked up to Jasper with a foul look on his face as he gave a quick look at her and to Jasper.

"I heard something about me, unsually I'm not the one to judge you Jasper but if I ever hear you call me a pain in the ass again your life is mine."

Nicole clenched her fist at her side, protesting his words.

"Charles why do you have to be so aggressive? This isn't you Charles, this is not the man that I feel in love with all I see is a boy Kill me instead not him!?"

"Your to pretty for me to kill you...You are all I need for you are my heart to the kingdom"Charles lowers his eyes before her as he whispered making it hard for her to hear. Jasper heard it loud and clear he takes Nicole hand leading her back to her room.

"Charles is...changing Nicole, this is change we have to get use to up till now. He is friend..but friendships could slowly die...." jasper heart aches when he said those words, he had to say something from preventing Charles to completely lose control. The last time he lost control was at Lori's funeral luckily his mother stopper hill but now he only got us now.

Jasper gently sat Nicole on the bed as he handed her some warm milk with honey. Nicole smiled at him as he did the same, they heard a knock seeing Percy at the doorway. Nicole lowered her eyes causing him to grin. Jasper looked at her an then at him, something was going on between them but he couldn't figure it out.

"I need to be alone with Nicole for a couple of mins, it won't-"

"Lord Percy I have to reject your request...please do forgive me...."

Percy became anger walking up to them as Jasper stood in front of Nicole. Jasper pulled out a dagger ready to fight his own king for someone who he truly loved. Percy laughed as he pulled out his sword. Nicole kept a secret from the both of them yet it was painful to bare, luckily Charles made it on time and stop them from causing harm to each other. Charles looker over at the Nicole seeing that the makeup was smeared on her sweater, he noticed small cuts on her wrist.

"Take off your sweater...Nicole"

"What why! With all of you in here!"

"For heaven's sake..." Charles walked over to her removing his jacket draped it like a curtain. Nicole removed her sweater and tank top leaving her bare with her bra showing. Charles put his Jacket on seeing her body bruised and badly damage as if someone her tortured the poor girl since he got here.

Nicole hesitantly turned her back only for him to see whip lashes on her back. Charles tried his best to maintain his anger but he was filling up with rage. It was like with Lori all over again. Jasper covered his mouth in disbelief as looked at Percy to see him smiling and giggling. Charles swiftly moved his white hair out of his face as his red eyes pierced through Percy's.

"Did you do this....Percy..." Charles looked at Nicole with a painful expression as she kept her head down to maintain in eye contact with Percy, it only made her shake in fear.

" you know what Charles...I did...I hurt this girl I raped her more than once, the way she beg and pleaded for me to stop only filled in this sastisfaction. I did cut, whip, and especially raped her...the way she screamed and hollered little bro-"

Percy wasn't able to finish as he had a fist on face, all the anger that wailed up inside him made his burst. Jasper removed his hair in front of his right eye seeing his fully handsome face , both of his eyes grew eternally red, it made then both shake on anger as Percy was left unconsious on the floor.

"My god Nicole....why didn't you tell us this!!! Why didn't you tell me....I could have saved you...I could have saved you from that trouble...that pain! " Jasper screamed at the top of his lungs with anger

"I didn't want you both to worry...I am sorry " Nicole said in a weakened voice as Jasper sat next to her holding her tightly while Charles beat and thrashed on Percy's body. Ever ounce of his soul was fighting the urge to kill this man his very brother. He lost all respect for him as a man as a king to the throne. Charles was stopped by Nicole, all she could do was hug him. He looked down at her small form, he placed his hands on hips as he looked up at Jasper with a slight nod.

Jasper stood up and dragged Percy from the door way as butlers & Maids followed behind him. Charles sat Nicole down on the bed as he raked his long flowing hair from his face, he was calm but anger still consumed him.

"Charles I can...explain..."

"You can't explain that to me...You were my everything! I'm suppose to be the one to have your body not my brother. I need you to leave...pack your things an return home. I find you disgusting in my eyes, I love you brother have claimed a part of you I can not replace..." Charles walk away with no emotion but deep down inside he didn't want to let her go, it was for the greater good to keep her safe from Percy.

Nicole lips quivered fighting to hold back tears, she was stupid not to tell them sooner. Percy would have killed her instantly if she told someone. Nicole packed her things into her suitcase, walked up to the mirror and stared at herself for a good couple of minutes or longer until she heard a knock on the door startled to see Jasper standing at the door way.

"Nicole, I'm sorry for screaming at wasn't your fault. I wish I could have saved you sooner...As a man I failed you. I heard Charles kicked you out of the palace, I will join you on your way home." Jasper gave a light heart smile, as tears streamed down her face.

"Thank you...Jasper for everything your such a good friend... I'll see you once I get there. " Nicole grabbed her bags as Jasper gave her a big hug and kiss on the forehead. She blushed a little but maintain herself around him.

She walked out the door way into the halls as Jasper looked down at a photo of Charles and Lori together. If she was still alive Charles would have never acted the way the did , making Jasper snatch Nicole away from Charles. He knew he was better than Charles jealousy ran deeply through him. I guess you can say it was better for a man with a pure heart to finally have the girl dreams it was coming true for him.

Sorry for not posting a chapter in a month I know that's a little tuff but school got really busy and especially since I play a sport that makes things a little but harder for me to write chapters now. I get a little tired but it doesn't stop me from writing and being the best at what I'm good at somewhat.
Thanks for reading

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