chapter 38

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Jasper removed his index finger from her forehead as a tear is streams followed on her face but a smile made her wonder about all the things she have done wrong in her life to not have family again.

"I'm sorry to have made you suffer Jasper it was all because of me, I am grateful to have met you that day"

"You put me through the no trouble Nicole though I was curious of your kind. I have been around them only during events or parties but going out in the world again was amazing to me. Then I saw you playing one day I got curious an all, it made me think of myself when I was very young."

"You reveled to me something else as well" Nicole's eyes looked down at his gaze.

"What is it love?"

"You getting beat by Lord Chancellor.."

Jasper kissed her cheek looking back at her "He thought I told you things about our kind that was considered rare in his eyes, he didn't to much like your kind especially your people in terms. I looked more into your ethnicity after my punishment your a women mixed with native American including African American he seemed it would be more of a threat because you are partly a decedent of a native tribe. Your tribe includes killing us pure bloods. You was a small child I didn't see any need of taking precautions such as that...though I did enjoy your company with me."

"I knew I was African American but I didn't know what else I was I supposedly mixed with but thank you for telling me that. I know that's weird and all but my mother never really told me about my father all she could say was that my father was in a tribe but it didn't really make sense to me at the time. I think Lord Chancellor was to rough on you"

"I am half of his kind so it wouldn't have been easy from the start. Ever since Charles took me in his mother has been nothing but kind to me. I am very grateful to have been in such a loving place that I wish my adoptive mother gave me before she passed away. Queen Anna wanted me to keep Charles safe but its rather hard as of right now when he an his brother wants to kill me. I promise you I won't let any of them touch you, I hate to have to kill one of them especially my dear friend Charles."

Nicole suddenly held her arms tightly rubbing them together realizing that they were already at snow kingdom. Jasper takes off his jacket placing it around here shoulders.

"Were here in the very great snow kingdom must I warn you its very cold out. Don't worry I'm not immune to such temperature so no need to worry."

Jasper grabbed her hand pulling her to take a step outside the car, her eyes widened seeing the ginormous tall building that stood in front of them. At Guard walked up to them both as Jasper & Nicole bowed.

"Who are you? Did u get a invitation to be here?"

"My name is Jasper wintered the prince of snow kingdom. This is my adoring lover Nicole. If-"

"I don't believe you show me some proof!"

Jasper lets go of her hand as he moved his hair up that covered his right eye the guardsmen immediately knelled to Jasper.

"My prince, I am sorry for being so rude my league please punish me!"

Jasper became startled "oh please, does it look like I'm going to punish you if you hurt my darling then you'll probably die."

Jasper smiled as the guards bowed to him leading them the way inside in the palace. Once inside a butler named Rowland.

"My prince you have finally returned so many years has passed by." Rowland bowed at Jasper as he did the same "no need to bow for me Prince Jasper I will have to take you to our queen and king."

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