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Dixie smelled the air sensing something foul and rotten in the wooden area, lifting up here dress she kept twirling around sensing Chantelle in every direction but it always came to a dead in. Something was telling her that the duchess was up to something terrible bigger than the war that happened centuries ago. Dixie walked up to the point where she was in the middle of the woods followed closely behind the council.

While serf was ahead of her trying to find any evidence that could make Dixie track the duchess. In all his year he had never came across something like this Darkness and Light, he never thought it would actually true in the forbidden books. Dixie looked on the ground seeing markings on the damp ground causing her to knell down getting her dress dirty in the process. She removed her glove touching the mark as her eyes widen coming across a vision making her scream in pain as shock ran her body.

Dixie had to find out what they were planning what she could do to enlightened the situation. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as a black liquid came out of her mouth; Dixie felt a forceful hand grab her wrist causing her to let go of the mark.

She looked up seeing Serf face in such worry"I almost had what I was looking for Serf!"

Seed stood up making her stand up as well"Do you not understand I saved you from whatever you was just touching. Your eyes was rolling in the back of your head an you was oozing out something in your mouth. Dixie you need to be more careful what if I wasn't here with you right now you would be dead."

Dixie nodded her head understanding his worry for her"Please do excuse my actions there was just a lot of visions I witnessed. One of Nicole's death not by birth but murder. She was in this field by herself trying to find her way back to her kingdom and someone murdered her in the middle of the night. Ruby will also be the next victim, her head was decapitated. As for me I'm burned to death, you see there is some sort of connection here All three of us is murdered by the same people. The women who are high in power in the kingdoms will all be killed, this will cause war clashing heads with eachother.It is simply a vision so this might not be true according to what I seen. As for Mo and Melody they are  camping out in one of the ruin kingdoms. Duchess Chantelle would never go out and randomly kill people unless she had a target which would be the ladies of the kingdoms and empires. Chantelle is going to start a war and we need to perpare ourselves quickly; it could be today or tomorrow a year, a decade who knows."She turned around seeing Rune and the council behind them listening closely.

"Rune I need you to send a letter to the  Kingdoms, write that danger is amongest them, the Duchess of DarkDarkness approaching fast. Protect the Queens of the kingdoms by keeping them in there homes. Watch everything from the food that's being served out to the servants that reside in the each kingdoms. Thats it just send that and be on your way."

The council men bowed leaving as Rune left he said"Lady Dixie what are you going to be doing while the Queens sit at home."

Dixie grinned placing her hands on her hips "I'm going to be gathering up my people for this  upcoming War. The duchess will understand what her fate will be soon. Enough talking we have to send those letters out quickly. Please get the job done for my sake."

Rune nodded"Yes Lady Dixie I will have all it taken care of right away" Once he said that he immediately left them alone, Dixie looked down at her hands seeing how dirty it's gotten from touching the mark.

Serf wrapped his hands around her waist as they walked to the carriage "This would have taken me days to figure out but since your here with me now its easier to track these things. Dixie what is your history with the duchess?"

"Its hard to explain Serf this was so many years ago its hard to know what everything has been like since I was in the slave estate. So much has changed Serf I'm scared for what the future holds. The reason why I want a child is so if I ever died our child will be there."

"I understand what a world without you will be curel don't you remember that mark I placed on you years ago. If you died then I shall die to, you are my everything Dixie I want to try and be more kind to our future child. I was never good with kids but you are, since Jasper's wife is pregnant why don't you pay her visit it will do her some good."

Dixie smiled at the thought of seeimg Nicole healthy and well with her unborn kids"Yes I will pay her a visit maybe today perhaps. I don't think Jasper likes me after what he witnessed at the slave estate. I know deep within his mind he knows we are nothing more than savages but that doesn't mean he's no a savage himself. Its going to take a day or two to get to the Snow Kingdom I heard it's terribly cold there is that true?"

"Yes There's some magic which makes the weather snow endlessly. Queen Zora made it that way its beautiful if you ask me but not as beautiful as you are."

She blushed turning her face away from him"Thank you dear same to you, I'm just glad to be back by your side. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful life."

He kissed her temples"I know, I'll make sure to protect you this time I promise" Dixie smiled as they walked inside the carriage.

In the Snow Kingdom Jasper stood outside seeing a small bird fly towards him with small bottle in its beak. Lifting his hand the bird landed in his palm, he took the bottle from its beak and it flew away off to send more letters to the faraway kingdoms. He pops open the cork from the bottle sliding the letter out reading it careful. The message was small but seemed urgent placing the letter inside his coat. He heard small foot steps make his way he turned around seeing Nicole walked over to him wearing his coat which was big on her Small frame.

"Jasper why are you standing outside its cold out here. I told Rowland to keep you in the castle. There is much to discuss with Lucius when he gets here." He wrapped his hand around her waist looking against the sky.

"I wanted to be out here with you , I thought you might enjoy some company. I sneaked out while he wasn't looking. By the way who is Lucius, is he new to the kingdom.

He shook his head "Lucius Rivera was my fathers right hand man ; he was away for some time being to fight other wars in the ruin kingdoms. If your feeling unwell you should tell me not hide it I can feel everything your feelings it doesn't sit well with me."

Nicole tilted her head slightly "I'm not hiding anything-"

Jasper glared at her starting into her dark brown eyes making her look away "Why lie? I care for your well being I noticed how you constantly run your stomach to make the pain go away. You barely eat anything, your nothing but meat and bone at this point the only thing that's making you well again is the medicines. Though I will say the your apperance is looking better the medicine is helping out. You've only been pregnant for a certain amount of weeks I slowed down the rate of pregnancy so your stomach don't get big as a balloon."

"Thank you for your honesty Jasper I just didn't want you to worry about me. I'm sorry for keeping things from you but your health is important too. I recommend you sleep more you stay up to much watching me and not yourself I want to be able to take care of you an his our kids. Like I told you if I die I pray that you will take good care of our kids when I'm gone."

Jasper let's go of her waist "Why such things 'when im gone' I hate that. Seems like you plan on leaving me alone here by myself. I need you, your my wife I want you here with me. Even if I take care of the kids that are in your spitting image of you it will be hard for me to have to deal with that. Think more of yourself than me, I took care of you for the longest time when Charles was under me.Since I'm king I'm finally able to be stressed free yet your causing me more stress by worrying about you everyday. I need to go inside and take a hot bath." Nicole wanted to say something but Jasper had walkes inside in the castle doors leaving hee alone outside. She was trying to figure out what to do in this tough situation it was unlike her to give up so much for a herself.

She's dreamt of having a family for so many years Jasper was willing to give her anything an everything that she desired making her feel loved anappreciated. It was rare for Jasper to show such emotions when people was near but when they had there time togther he was soft yet caring. Nicole thought it would be a good time go give Jasper some Space so Nicole would be sleeping on the guest room for quite some time she figured. Nicole Walked into to the castle wondering what to do next.

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