chapter 35

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Jasper awoken in the middle of night hearing the guest partying down below them. Nicole yawned wondering where his touch was. He whispered in her ear.

"I'll be back love I just need to see what the commotion is all about.."

She nodded as Jasper kissed her forehead. He hoped out the bed leaving the bedroom. Jasper went down stairs seeing people dance around and gamble for money. Lord vicar was seen dancing with a small little girl Scarlet his cousin. Jasper wondered what type of party was going on around him, annual get together with the king and his people. Jasper couldn't help but smile at Lord vicar as he noticed him and stopped dancing with Scarlet as he puts her and a little boy making sure he had someone to dance with  while he went out to talk to Jasper once again. Lord Vicar started to walk towards Jasper as  he walked further further down the end of the stairs.

"What's the matter Jasper?  Did you have a hard time sleeping, if you wanna join the fun why don't you!? You are a pure blood after you don't even sleep I mean we don't sleep. "

"Lord Vicar thanks for the offer but I'm not interested in the moment about the party, it
was pretty loud down here which mean I can hear it from up  stairs my goodman."

"Sorry for the rudeness we are at a party after all...I'll have the party outside when you have your stay in my kingdom. So tell me how are u going to get away from Charles and Percy,  just keep running or will u fight for your love until u both get settled on the throne..."

"I'm not sure My main priority is Nicole she needs to be protected at all times. I love her very much...when we do have the throne together I'm sure she'll be a wonder queen."

"I'm surprised you got the girl. Being single for so long must've placed some type of burden on you. Jasper all I ever seen you do is work you never have time to relax yourself, I thought maybe Charles was over loading you with work maybe since your a vampire he didn't have to worry about that. If you were human you would have been dead already just like the rest before you..."

"I owned him a great debt I was willing to give my life to him before Nicole came into the picture. All he ever has done is hurt her Vicar since I was there I made sure she was taken care of before anything. I showed her nothing but nice-nest she finally saw through me and now were together, would u ever be with a human Vicar I think you would like having a nice day around"

"Hmmm not sure it would be dangerous if more of our kind is falling in love with mortals, we can live forever but there days as humans are everything to them I can't go through pain all over again...I had a talk with the court and kingdoms and they said if vampires and humans fall in love the court will come after you or anyone else who a vampire has fallen in love with an sadly kill both of them."

"The court was close to killing Charles and Nicole but she manage to stab one of the court members in the chest. She did a good job, Nicole is forever a strong women I believe"

Lord vicar smiled at his choice of words as he felt a tug on his sleeve,  he glanced over seeing Scarlet wanting to dance more with him. Jasper bowed at Lord Vicar as he did the same, Jasper walked up stairs and back into the bedroom. he fell asleep moments for a good couple of hours, he opened his eyes seeing Nicole stretching as she changed into a golden short night gown,he grabbed a hold of her waist pulling her down on the bed as he hugged her tightly.

"You look sexy in that night gown by the way, I hate to say I'm getting a little turn on by this..."

Nicole couldn't help but blushed as Jasper leaves trails of kisses on her neck even giving her a hickey just to say that she was his and his alone. A moaned escapes her mouth making him groan. Jasper laid her down the bed rubbing her inner  with his boner though before they could get any further they heard a knock at the door once again. Jasper became extremely frustrated.

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