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King Mo wife Eleanor stood at a pool of murkey black water. A black witch named Astra stands beside her holding a wond as she closed her eyes casting a spell to resurrect King Mo and his daughger Melody. The water started to boil as the very dust that was placed on them turned to bones an flesh causing the water to smoke.

Eleanor clapped her hands in excitement while her husband and Child was being resurrected from the dead she  laughed thinking about what  type of harm they'll do to the Kingdoms even Serf David. Astra finished the spell as king Mo and his daughter started to walk out the murky water their eyes were hollow and dark nothing more than a empty soul that brought back from the dead. Eleanor smiled "This will be fun" When she said that a loud thunderstike could be heard in the distance.

Nicole woke up covered in her sweat as the sun took over the moon making it a new day. Looking out the window there was slight rain that mixed in the snow, rubbing her arms together she places her feet on the floor which made her shiver. She glances towards the bed seeing Jasper  asleep peacefully a few strands of hair that covered his face as sleep. Making her way to the bathroom her smile flattened as she suddenly threw up her dinner form last night she felt Jaspers hand rub her back comforting his pregnant wife. Once she felt better he takes her in front of the fire place setting her in a chair pouring a glass of water handing it to her.

"Drink this you should feel better, how was your sleep well?" Handing her the glass of a water, Nicole taking a few sips sets it down on the table next to her.

"I slept pretty good thank you. I was thinking about spending some time  with Ruby & Possible Dixie." She smiles thinking about it, the girl time that Nicole and Ruby wanted was taken from them including Dixie who been in the Slavery estate for most of her years.

Jasper rubber his chin thinking about what Serf had told him in the carriage, that Dixie needed some time for herself to see the world that she once lived in change around when she was locked away for the many years. Jasper had considered Dixie to be quite unstable due to the fact that the sanity drove her to madness and it turned her to a murderous monster , If Dixie had ruffled a man or women feathers Nicole would jump in to defend her immediately from what he was told. Someone who comes from the same tribe are often to defend each other when the time is right; which was stated in the treaty Jasper read years ago.

"You can spend time with Ruby not with Dixie, I don't think its safe for you to be around her at this moment. You shouldn't be trying to fight while your pregnant you can not only endanger yourself but also our unborn kids. I want you to really think about that as much as I love you I don't want to see you make such bad decisions your queen of Snow you have to start acting that way." Jasper tone was clam when he spoke but when she looked in his eyes it seemed like he was mad at her for being to not careful.

She bowed her head slightly as an apology "I'm sorry Jasper I'll think about it for awhile. Can you ask Rowland for some breakfast?"

placing both of his hands on the arm rest leaning close to her face making her blush, he  said "I see your trying to send me away, do you know what I'm thinking about right now." she shook her head as a response letting him continue "wrecking you in bed doesn't that sound delightful but I will continue to hold back. I'm not as patient as you think I am sweetie." She closed her eyes feeling hot breath on her neck,then the soft brush of cold tender. Her face burning with heat as they make contract with her neck, suddenly a knock was heard on the door she was rather thankful she didn't have to put up with Jaspers teasing.

"What is it Rowland?"Jasper shouted still kissing her neck.

"Excuse me Lord Jasper I have brought breakfast just like you asked of me."

Jasper stopped kissing her neck and walked to the door, opening it just to take the trays an close the door behind him with his feet. Slowly getting up from the chair she walks towards the small table as Jasper sets the  plate of food down for her. Looking out the large window she nothing but endless snow that fell on the kingdom it made her wonder if the type of environment that she is living in was safe for her. That's if she'll be able to survive child birth she was scared but whatever it takes for her children and husband to be happy that is all she wants.

"Is the fire keeping you warm? " Jasper said in calm tone breaking Nicole from her thoughts.

"Yes it is thank you Jasper, I was just looking at your eyes recently an notice how blue they are. How did you do it?"

Jasper taking a bite of fruit as he spoke "I asked Edward to change them for me nothing more than magic-" Jasper suddenly stood up from the table looking around the room sending something dark, like a evil spirit that was haunting there very soul. "He has returned from the living..." Jasper said quietly not even for Nicole to hear.

"Jasper what's wrong?" Nicole said in a pit of worry only for Jasper to take his hair back in frustration.

"Its nothing for you to worry about just continue eating your breakfast. I need to go and see Vicar its very urgent." Getting up from the chair he puts on his coat and scarf giving Nicole a quick kiss on the cheek as he leaves he room. She wondered why he was in such rush a to go to Vicar it would take almost half an hour to get to where Cloud Kingdom stood. Eating her breakfast silently as the snow continues to fall endlessly Nicole was always the one to worry about Jasper but his sudden change of mood wasn't a good sign.

Meanwhile in Cloud Vicar waited for Jasper tp come to his kingdom to discuss personally matter not wanting to put there women involved they simply say it was nothing more than what they were leading on. Vicar could sense the darkness all around the Kingdoms including the mainlands where the humans live which wasn't good. He couldn't make out what is was entirely all he knows is that it was fast growing, Vicar felt a gust of wind as he stood outside seeing Jasper and Serf  walking to him. Seeing that Serf was there could only mean that a member of the Court was somehow resurrected by a witch. Vicar bowed as Jasper and Serf did the same walking towards a small bench that was surrounded by endless flowers.

vicar looked up at the clear sky "So I guess you both could sense it too. Yet you both come to my Kingdom looking for answers as to what it might be. I'm afraid I don't know, this aura is beyond my reach. Serf David maybe you might know what is it."

Serd looked down at the grass holding his hands tightly "It would mean that Mo an his daughter are back from the dead, they call it a demonic lake because the black murky water from which I was born from. That's the only pond that could heal my body an Dixie's as well. I should have killed his wife but I see she made a contract with a dark witch to bring those two back. You see while I was in my slumber I let Mo run to the court for me only to see that our kind and humans are being killed just to be with eachother. All three of us fell for a human and now it seems like we are going to pay the price for it, they won't really listen to me but him because he had the power for so many years he let it consume him.I had to kill him and his daughter but I see my seal that I placed on them are broken. They are simply resurrected..."

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