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Amelio: *sleeping on Chris's stomach*

Chris: *happily running his fingers through his hair gently* Why don't you visit me more with your children?

Max: *yawns* I forget.

Jerry: *elbows him* We've been busy.

Max: *whines and lays his head on Jerry's shoulder, holding his stomach* mutters: Is it bully Max day?

Jerry: *kisses his face*

Chris: I wanted to see all your children, but I only managed to see this one. By the way... how is your oldest children?

Jerry: *frowns a bit* Well you already know the situation with uh... Marshall. We still visit Danny as often as possible. I hear Jackie is doing well with Sax and Jax is doing better. He's better.. yeah.

Max: *watching him*

Jerry: *grips his jeans* They're doing pretty good I think. I... I miss how things used to be, but I guess that'd be too greedy of me to wish for such simple things. But I believe they're doing better. I have to believe it.

Max: *holds his hand*

Chris: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. *sits up slightly*

Jerry: *grips Max's hand* N-No! It's alright! You're my father-in-law. You deserve the right to know what's going on in your family.

Chris: *blushes a bit* Oh right.. I sometimes forget I'm a father-in-law and a grandpa.

Max: *hugging Jerry close* We'll promise to visit you more pap.

Chris: you better. *points at Amelio* This kid is adorable.

Jerry: *laughs softly*


Ok last one cuz I need to go to bed

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