Chapter 3

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September 7, 2018

Going to school was always a normal routine of getting to class, walking to lunch, and driving home. That all changed when you came along. We'd go to lunch, leave after three minutes, and wander around the school. You'd talk about game plans for upcoming games and I'd listen without knowing a thing. When I asked questions, you'd always answer. And when I ranted, you never questioned me. You were so patient with me as if I wasn't saying the dumbest things. I'm surprised you didn't want to strangle me.

"I have no idea what that means but whatever. Anyways... I may not go to the game this week." I blurted out with a mouthful of goldfish. You stared at me like I was mad. "Why not? You gotta go. You're like my lucky charm. Come. If you need a ride, I can ask my mom to drive you." You replied. "There's no need to ask your mom. It's just Eisenhower. It's like an hour away from where I live and-" "Oh, that is far." You got a little grumpy after that but you quickly calmed down. The rest of the day was normal. After school, you facetimed me. You were practicing and I just left you on as background noise while doing homework. It was always funny when Coach would grab my phone and show me equipment as if I knew what it did.

Friday comes and so does everyone's excitement. Kaia and Bia were excited about the game and during class, begged me to come along. Bia said she would drive so all I had to do was go to her house. It still seemed like it was too far though. The rest of the class was boring and I could only focus on the clock ticking away. Thankfully, the bell rang. As I left class, you were outside. I would always wonder how you got permission to leave class early. To be honest, I really appreciated that gesture.

On our way to PE, Mr. Hayes would blast your ear off while I went to the locker room. Mr. Harrison would always have to shut Mr. Hayes up. If he didn't, you might've not been able to change for the weight room. It was funny watching you tower Mr. Hayes and Mr. Harrison as they talked.

Sometimes, Hayes and Harrison would combine our classes together. Today was one of those days. The girls still had to do their daily mile run though. While I was running, you were playing some sport. I don't know why you stopped playing that day but you joined me in my run. I can't even call it a run though, more like a snail crawl. The only time you actually ran was when Hayes came to check up on us.

"You sure you don't want to go to the game? My mom can take you" You pouted.

"Maybe... I'll think about it." I lied.

The rest of the day was you bombarding me with these questions. All I could do was just shrug. I mean– It is a 40-minute drive. Not to mention the ride would be a shit box. In the end, Kaia and Bia convinced me to go. 

Arriving at the game, the student section had already been packed. It looked like we would suffocate there, so we stood by the fence. The game was like any other. Eisenhower got a few touchdowns and Clayton followed with all they had. The game ended 45 to 24. As expected, Coach was thrilled with this third consecutive win. Even more, there was a higher expectation for the team. 

After the game, Bia, Kaia, and I tried to go to the field. There were so many people crowding the field's entrance so I had to climb over the small fence. The fence was pretty short but getting over it was still pretty hard. After I was on the field, I tried looking for you but a crowd rapidly gathered. I lost hope of finding you so I took pictures with Bia and Kaia instead. After taking a few pictures, Bia and I went to find Ian (a football player) so Bia and Ian could actually talk. 

"You know you could just go and talk to him. You literally have Yearbook class with him." I told her as she started posing.

"Yeah, no thanks. I don't know what to say to him. Just because we have class together doesn't mean I can easily converse with-"

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