Chapter 26

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January 25, 2019

You belong with me- Taylor Swift

Meet me at our spot- The Anxiety, Willow, Tyler Cole

Last week was midterms. We didn't do much other than studying and then worrying about our grade. Monday through Thursday of this week also went by in a flash. Today, you came to school with pictures in hand, ready to show me you in the suit.

"Don't I look handsome?" you smirked as you showed me the photos on your phone.

"Mhm.. Very handsome." I responded as I looked through them as we walked to third period.

We didn't need to change since we were going to be sitting in the classroom today instead of doing activities for gym. You showed me a video of your catwalk as well. I laughed as I watched it, but the laughter was interrupted by Jalerean. Kiki and Jalerean had started to be distant from the group a little before you had punched him. Kiki and the group were still friendly with each other, but she wasn't really a part of it anymore. While, no one liked Jalerean. The group disassociated from him the moment he had harassed me the first time. Jalerean walked past and patted my butt as I was watching the video. I stopped laughing and turned around to give him a nasty look as he just smirked at me. You witnessed it and went to confront him. I tried to stop you, not wanting to cause any attention. All he wanted was attention and giving it to him was basically letting him win whatever gae he was trying to play.

"Rooster, don't. He's not worth any trouble." I say as I stood in front of you, stopping you from walking up to him.

"Jalerean INAPPROPRIATELY touched you. He's worth all the trouble." you grumbled as you walked around me.

"Whatever. He's not worth the trouble. You giving him attention is exactly what he wants. Just leave him be." I whispered as I held you back.

You clenched your jaw, but decided to let it go still. We moved further away from him as we got attendance taken and made our way to the classroom. For that hour, we basically were on our phones and talked. We didn't have any work to do.

"What do you want for your birthday?" you randomly asked as you played some game on your phone with Kristy and Josh.

My birthday wasn't until the seventh of February, which is like two weeks from now.

"I don't know. Anything you want to give me." I replied simply as you continued to be focused on the game.

You didn't say anything and just continued to play the game. Class eventually ended and we were off to do our usual lunch routine. The rest of the school day went by in a blur. You stayed at school for the game and I went home and took a fat nap. Our Bubba's tradition went on after your game. We told the group what had happened during third period to keep them in the loop. The rest of the night went on smoothly like usual. The only problem was the thick tension between Bia and Martin. It wasn't sexually tension, sadly, but Bia didn't seem to want to be near him for longer than she needed to be. As soon as dinner was over, she was the first to be out of the booth and away from Martin. We looked at each other and turned our attention back to them, giving them a confused look.

"We broke up." Bia answered our confusion.

Our jaws dropped at the sudden news. We didn't know what to say to them as we looked between the two with widened eyes. We all tried to form words to question what happened but the two of them had made their way out and to the parking lot. We quickly followed after as we still processed the information.

"Why?" Jason finally asked as we all stood around in the middle of the empty back lot.

They looked at each other and then to us. Neither of them seemed to be able to form any words to answer. We all patiently stared at them to let them come up with an answer.

"He- He..." Bia started as she started to tear up.

"I told her that I wanted to get the full college experience." Martin stated as he looked at us.

We all gave him disappointed looks as Kaia went to hug Bia. Bia started to cry as the words left his mouth. The full college experience. He didn't want baggage or be called a cheater if he were to hook up with someone when he's two hours away.

"You wanted the FULL COLLEGE EXPERIENCE?!?! No, you broke up with her so YOU wouldn't be called a CHEATER like Jalerean if you hooked up with someone." I angrily said as I walked up to him.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt her," I jabbed as I pushed him.

"Full college experience my ass." Kaia says as she walks Bia to her car.

"Don't compare me to that asshat. I had the decency to break things off with her. I'm not the bad guy." Martin said as Jason rolled his eyes at him and you stood at the same spot just looking at him.

"Please, you act like Theo wouldn't do the same thing. Actually, he wouldn't have to. You two aren't even together."

Martin was right. We weren't really together, but you wouldn't do that. We had planned it out together. I would go to UND for nursing. We'd get a small apartment together off campus. We'd even take Marley and Basil with us. I'd go to watch your home college football games. We had it all planned. However, at that moment, Martins' words struck a nerve, an anxious and insecure nerve. Before I could say anything back, you had punched him. The scene that was unfolding in front of me was giving me deja vu.

"I wouldn't do that to her asshole. You told me you love her yesterday. There's no way you broke up with her for the full college experience." you say as you two started to fight.

"Shut your mouth Theo. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Please, I still have the messages you sent about it." You retorted as the two of you wrestle on the cold cement.

Jason and I tried to break the two of you up as Kaia and Bia ran over. You two kept throwing insults at each other as you two were pulled apart. Bia stood between the two of you, stopping you from swinging at him again, as she faced him with tears. Martin stopped instantly and looked down at her with sad eyes. He looked like he was one word away from breakdown completely.

"What's the real reason, Mars?" Bia quietly asked as we all stood behind her looking at him.

There had to be a real reason for him wanting to break up with her. He was so in love with her yesterday. He looked at her like she was the reason the sun rises each morning. He still did just a couple of minutes ago, while we ate dinner. He just looked at her with tears welling up in his eyes as he wiped her tears. We all silently looked at them, not wanting to leave either of them alone.

"What if you forget all about me when I'm gone?" He quietly mumbled as he cried.

"Oh, Mars... I could never." she says back as they both quietly look at each other with teary eyes.

We knew it was our cue to leave them be when he had pulled her into a hug. We knew they'd be fine as we walked to our respective cars.

"We are together." you say as I opened my car door.


"We are together, Athena. We are together whether only five people know or the whole goddamn world knows. We will always be together, Athena." you explained as you pulled me into a hug.

The little anxious nerve that Martin hit was gone. I didn't say anything back. I squeezed you closer. We will always be together. 

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