Chapter 7

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September 29, 2018
Les- Childish Gambino
Dark red- Steve Lacy
Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version)- Taylor Swift

    It's homecoming day. 

    I woke up early to get ready so my mom could see me in my dress before she goes to work. While getting ready, I FaceTimed you again and you picked up all groggy and grumpy as I tell you to keep me company while I get ready. You mumbled something as you fell back asleep. The call was kept on as background noise with random music playing too. It's a true sign of friendship when no one talks to each other–their presence is enough for company. Your company only consisted of your snoring. You woke up halfway through and I looked through my eyeshadow palettes while contemplating on what make-up look to do as if I was a pro at make-up. You mumbled soft compliments as I did my make-up and got disrupted by Momma walking in to, finally, wake you up. She greeted me while hitting you with a pillow, telling you to get up and eat breakfast while I laughed at the scene. 

    You, eventually, got up and hung up the phone call as I continued to get ready. Not even 10 minutes later, you called again. You were sitting at the kitchen table with your bowl of Lucky Charms. Momma walks by and says hi again and compliments me, even though I only had like half of my make-up done and looking a little crazy. Ryan suddenly snatched your phone to say hi as Donnie and Andrew fought over the phone. I laughed as they argued on who gets to say hi first just to have dad snatch it from their hands.

    "Hi, sweetheart! Ohh, look at you. I hope you'll have fun! Remember to stay safe. I know it'll be at school, but if anyone touches you wrong just punch 'em, I'll bail you out." He greeted as I laughed and nodded before he passed the phone back to the fighting duo.

    In the end, Andrew said his greetings before Donnie did and your phone was finally returned to you. By the time I finished doing my make-up and getting ready, you had already gotten ready. You were only coming to dinner with Kaia, Jason, and I, but you still had a suit on. You were choosing a tie that has the color red in it to match my dress, but you had terrible fashion sense and the closest to a plain red tie you had was one with little white diagonal stripes that you ended up wearing. We hung up when you got into your car to pick me up. I called up Veronica, my other best friend. Veronica and I talked for a bit as I went to get my heels and checked if I had everything I needed before you got to my house. I said bye to Veronica and hung up as I put on my heels and said bye to my brother as you pulled into my driveway. As I locked my door and made my way over to you, you got out of the car with a bouquet of roses in hand. 

    "Look at you, Lucky Charms!" you whistled as you grabbed my hand and I twirled.

    You showered me in compliments as I twirled, giving you a 360 of the outfit. It was a simple look; a red lace two piece dress, black block heels, soft red make-up look, and my hair straightened, tucked behind my ears. I didn't think it was anything special, but you made it feel special. Who would've known Mr. QB1 would be showering me with compliments when he had girls falling for him left and right. You looked as handsome as ever. You had a classic black suit with a white button up and a red and white striped tie and your curly brown hair was more tamed than it usually was, especially compared to your morning bed head from this morning.  

    "Well, aren't you handsome? I never knew you'd clean up so nice for dinner." I complimented as you softly chuckled, opening the car door for me. 

    "Had to impress you, princess." you quipped as I rolled my eyes at your cheekiness. 

    Our homecoming group –Kaia, Jason, me, and you– did it a little backwards. We decided to get dinner before pictures. People were busy taking pictures as we met up with Kaia and Jason at a hibachi place near school. According to Momma and dad, we had our priorities straight since we wouldn't have to wait for a table. During the drive there, we talked about nothing in particular, but you were more cuddly than usual. You held my hand throughout the drive and if I let go to text Kaia back, you'd just simply lay your hand in my lap with your palm facing up waiting for me to finish what I was doing to hold my hand again. I, eventually, asked if something was wrong since you've never been like this before. 

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