Chapter 9

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October 12, 2018

This is how you fall in love- Jeremy Sucker, Chelsea Cutler

Best friend- Rex Orange County

Easily- Bruno Major

Another school week had started and our usual routine continued. On Monday, you got me coffee, which was very much needed and appreciated. I was trying to convince Zeph to come to the game; he was not convinced enough. We continued to talk as we stood at the D (student parking lot) doors, waiting for you. Ryan came running in first, stopping to greet Zeph and I before making his way upstairs to his lockers, I assumed. 

"Is he always like that?" Zeph asked after Ryan had made it up half way. "Eh, he has his moments." I shrugged before we just laughed at nothing as you made it through the doors. We greeted you as you handed me the coffee. You looked at us like we were on something to be that happy at six in the morning. 

"It's way too early to be that happy." You say as Zeph and I continued to laugh, this time it was at your grumpiness. We walked upstairs to your locker as Zeph went off about some rumor before we mindlessly walked around the halls as other students started to flow in. Zeph and I ended up splitting up from you when you had went to go talk to Coach Den. We walked around until we found Nicole and walked with her to her class. Zeph and I stood by her seat as she set her stuff down and went to print some papers for APES (AP Environmental Science). We just stood around and gossiped before you came in and spooked me.


"Jesus Christ!" I yelped and turned around, giving you a 'what the fuck' look. I punched your arm  a few times as you flinched away, getting to your seat. "Yeah, beat him up." Zeph joked as Nicole just stared at us."You're friends with Theo Schuster?!?" Nicole questioned as Zeph and I gave her a nod. She went on to ask more questions and instead of answering them, I told her to ask you as Zeph and I walked out of the class and split up to go to our respective classes. I had American Government with Mr. Campbell first period and he always had the class move to the library after he finished taking attendance. I was always either playing games, taking a nap, or doing homework for other classes since Mr. Campbell never gave us any work. When he did give us homework it was just vocabulary words that we had to get the definition for. While making my way to the library, I could see that your APES class was also making your way into the library. 

"I can't believe you told Nicole to ask me how we met." You grumbled as you waited by the doors for me. We made our way into the library and towards our table in the back left corner. "Easier for you to tell her in-person than me telling her through text." I shrugged as we sat down. You rolled your eyes at my response, while I pulled out my Geometry homework as you busied yourself by pulling the other two remaining chairs at the table and lining them up side by side with yours to make a bed. You tried to get comfortable, but it seemed like you were one chair short. You got up and pulled the chairs, lining it up with mine, before laying down and placing your head in my lap. 

"Play with my hair." You quietly demanded as you sleepily looked up at me with your blue-ish gray eyes, giving me your best puppy-dog eyes. "Mhmm, so demanding. But who am I to reject the Theo Schuster?" I quietly joked as I started to run my hand through your brown curls. I continued doing my homework as you dozed off before Kiki and Kristy made their way over to our table with chairs for themselves. They settled down at the table as I quietly greeted them, not wanting to wake you up from your power nap. We started joking around, trying to not wake up, but you eventually had gotten up and joined us. 

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