Chapter 12

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October 25, 2018

More than friends- Aidan Bisset

Are you bored yet?- Wallows, Clairo

Cherry- Harry Styles

The week went by pretty quickly. Kiki seemed to be still with Jalerean Since she was posting lovey-dovey pictures and her story and they weren't arguing whenever we see them in the gum. It was Thursday morning and Zeph and I were watching Nicole ramble that she was only a quarter of the way done with the AP Environmental, APES, paper and it's due tomorrow. Zeph tried to make her feel better and said he didn't even start his Clancy English paper. It didn't make her feel much better because he said it's due on Sunday which gives him at least four more days, including today, to do it. I just tell her to wing it as long as she does all the requirements and that she's just typing up what she already has written down so it's easier. Soon or later, you showed up and you looked dead inside. Usually, you just look mean but now you look mean and dead inside.

"Is he okay?" Nicole and Zeph whispered to me as you made your way over to us and I shrugged not knowing why you looked dead inside.

You mumbled a good morning to everyone and just rested your head on top of mine. Nicole, Zeph, and I continued talking until the bell rang. The usual routine ensued and I was in the library once again. I sat down next to you at one of the computers. You were actually doing the Moran paper like you were supposed to. It turns out that she had just assigned another paper that's due on Sunday. You were so focused on typing, so I didn't say anything and just finished up my English paper. By the time you finished whichever paper you were typing, you hit print and sluggishly walked to go get it. I laughed as you walked back all slumped.

"I told you so. Go staple that before you lose them all in your backpack," I teased as you plopped down onto the chair.

"Meh meh. Sorry, mom. Love me and do it for me."

I shook my head as I got up with the papers to go staple them for you. When I got back you were going through your folders looking for something. I set the papers aside so you don't mess them together with the pile you just went through.

"What are you even looking for?" I questioned as you shuffled through your folders again.

'"I already wrote out the reflection paper that's due Sunday. All I have to do is type it up and now I can't find it." You groaned, shuffling through the papers in front of you.

"Let me see," I said as I grabbed the pile and started to lock through them briefly.

"Is it this one?" I asked not even five minutes after you stopped your shuffling.

"How did I survive without you?"

"Uhm drop out?" I joined as you started shuffling everything back into the folders and into your bag.

I handed you your reflection and the climate change paper and hoped that you don't lose the climate change paper. After putting everything back, you started typing the reflection paper while I submit my paper onto the blackboard and log off the computer soon, the ring signaling the end of typing the paper as I got up to go to the restroom before passing time ended When I got to the restroom, Kiki in there vaping, probably.

"I'm sorry about how I acted this week..."

"I knew you weren't a liar, but Jalerean made it seem like you were the dramatic one. He promised to never do that again. I'm sorry for what Jay did and that I attacked you when you were telling me the truth," she apologized as I washed my hands and checked on how I looked in the shitty mirror.

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