Chapter 20

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December 14, 2018

Pluto projector- Rex Orange County

"You two what?!?!" Bia shouts as we set up the concession stands for the basketball game.

It was technically the second basketball game of yours that I went to, even though it's for NHS hours. Bia and I decided that running concessions with two other parents would be an easy two hours, which it was.

"Shut up Bia. The entire school doesn't have to know," I hushed her.

"Does Kaia know? Who else knows that you guys are together, but not together?"

"I was gonna tell her today, but she had a docs appointment. I don't think anyone else knows unless Roos told someone," I replied as we took care of some of the orders that were placed.

We were together without a label to it. We never really discussed if we were official. We were busy living in the moments with each other throughout the week that we just didn't care for the labels.

"You two could just tell the entire group at Bubba's after the game. It seems like you guys like to keep it lowkey. Soft launch him on your Instagram from time to time," She suggested as I laughed at the soft launching idea.

We spent the rest of the evening chit chatting as we ran concessions. The two hours flew by pretty quickly and the game was still going on, so Bia wanted to stay for the last bit of the game, which meant I had to stay as well since I decided to hitch a ride with her for NHS. We brought Gatorade for you and Martin, just in case you guys wanted any, before making our way into the gym. Instead of finding a seat on the bleachers, we decided to just stand by the doors for the last few minutes of the game. The game eventually came to an end and we moved away from the doors for the crowd to get through and sat on the bottom bleachers, waiting for you and Martin to change and whatever you two do after a game.

"Kaia and Jason said they're on their way to Bubba's," Bia informed as you two made your way to us.

We headed out to the cars and Bia and Martin split up into their respective cars after giving each other some love.

"You did great out there."

"You were only there for like the last three minutes," you laughed as you put your stuff away in the trunk of your car.

"A lot happened in those three minutes. You won in those three minutes," I retorted.

"Where were you for the rest? I didn't get my good luck kiss from my girlfriend," you say as you close your trunk and turn around to look down at me.

I never really realized how tall you were until now. I knew you were 6'0", but I never knew how much of a difference it was from me being 5'3". Maybe your nickname should've been 'Tower' instead of 'Rooster'.

"I was volunteering at concessions with Bia for NHS hours. You didn't seem to need it from the last three minutes of the game that I saw," I said as you pulled me into a hug, laying your head on top of him.

"I always need a good luck kiss from my Lucky Charm. Always," you murmured with a soft laugh.

We let go of each other as I gave you a quick kiss before you went to open my car door and we made our way to Bubba's to join the others. You held my hand throughout the short car ride and when we made our way inside, where the other had already gotten the usual booth. However, this time Bia and Martin had taken our spot as we sat in, what would've been, their spot. Bia gave us a knowing look and smiled when she spotted our intertwined hands. To the others, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. We held hands in front of them before. Heck, we cuddled during the after-homecoming hang out. But Bia knew that there was more to it now.

"Did you tell anyone about us?" I whispered to you.

"Not yet, but according to the look on Bias' face, I can see that you told her. We can tell them about us after we order. Give them a surprise," you quietly chuckled as I nod with a small smile.

Sooner or later, everyone decided on what to get and ordered. As soon as the waiter was walking away, you blurted out, "We're together." They all looked at us eyes wide with surprise and jaws slightly dropped. Me, you, and Bia laughed at their reactions. I didn't think they'd be so surprised that we got together, but here we are.



"Since when?" they bombarded as they processed what you had just told them.

"Since last week, Friday," I responded.

"Like last Friday Friday? Actually that's beside the point. Give us the deets," Kaia gasped as we continued to quietly laugh at their reactions.

"All the details."

"And we mean ALL the details."

"There aren't that many details. I just asked him what he meant when he said I'm his girl when he was talking to Jalerean after the game at Troy Athens and–"

"Whoa whoa whoa! He said that? You said that?" Jason interrupts and you just nod to answer his question.

"And he said that I'm his girl as long as I said yes. Now here we are, telling you guys," I continued as they still processed the information.

"She forgot my favorite part. They kissed," Bia exclaimed as their jaws dropped even more in surprise.

We continued to laugh at their surprised looks as our food came out. They talked amongst themselves as we all ate our food. 'Why are we surprised?' could be heard from them as they munch on the food.

"It's gonna be triple dates every Friday now," Martin joked as we moved on from the surprise.

The rest of the night went by in a flash. We said our 'see you later' to each other and made our way home. You kept smiling and giggling as you drove me home.

"What's so funny, Roos?"

"I get to call you babe, baby, sweetheart, honey, and all those cheesy nicknames now," you gushed with your goofy smile.

"Mhmm... I like sweets and Lucky Charms better."

"Whatever you want, sweets," you beamed as a blush creeps onto my face and a soft smile at your affection.

"Christmas is still a bit away, but what do you want for Christmas?"

"What do you want for Christmas?" I retorted instead of answering.

"Already got my Christmas present."

"You're such a cheese ball," I laughed, "but seriously, what do you want? It's always so hard to find a gift for guys."

"Anything you want to give me. I don't even know myself."

"Well, I want everything," I joked as you rolled your eyes at my answer.

"Anything for you, sweets."

"Guess we'll just surprise each other," you decided as I nod in agreement.

You soon pulled into my driveway. We continued to come up with what we'd like for Christmas for a bit before I decided that it was time to go inside. I got out of the car, making sure I didn't forget anything, and made my way towards the door. Then, you rolled down your window to say, "No goodnight kiss?" with a slight pout. I smiled at your pout and turned back to give a quick peck, to which you stole another quick kiss, before making my way inside again.

"Goodnight, Roos."

"Goodnight, sweets."

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