Chapter 25

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January 11, 2019

I wanna be yours- Arctic Monkeys

We continued to get closer and closer to midterms. The week had flown by. Bia was asking me and Kaia to come to the basketball game with her, but we both declined. I had volunteered for choirs Solo & Ensemble to get my NHS hours. I had to dress professional for it, so I just wore the professional outfit –skirt, long sleeve top, and Vans to stay comfortable for all the standing– to school. It's January, so it was freezing cold and I had to get to school in a skirt. The kids that are in choir also dressed professionally since they wouldn't have time to go home and change. You had looked at me like I was crazy for wearing a skirt to school.

"Why are you wearing that? You look cute, but why?"

"NHS ." I said as we walked to your locker.

"Well you look very pretty, princess." you complimented as we started to wander the halls.

We, eventually, separated to get to class. Before I could reach my class, however, I was stopped by Abby in the hallway. I hadn't seen her around school or you for a while.

"Hey, you're close with Theo. Do you know what he's planning to wear for the senior athlete fashion show?" she asked.

I had completely forgotten all about that. The senior athlete fashion show was this weekend, but I had already signed up to volunteer for the Solo & Ensemble event. You hadn't said anything about it either, so I assume we both had forgotten about it.

"Nope. I didn't even remem–"

"Ok whatever. Do you know what he's wearing to Prom?" she interrupted as she looked at me expectedly.

"He hasn't even looked for a suit yet." I quietly responded, wanting to get away from her staring.

"Ugh... you're useless. I'll just ask him myself." she groaned before walking away from me.

I gave her a tight lipped smile before walking to my class. I had also forgotten about Prom. I forgot that you were taking Abby to Prom. I had nothing against it, but the way she gave off vibes that she didn't like me being close with you sort of made me not like her. The rest of the day went by and you were waiting for me at the door of my sixth period. Once the class was dismissed, I walked out and you were standing by the door.

"Hey," I nudged you as we started walking to my car to put my backpack away.

"Hey. I didn't get to show you what I was wearing to the fashion show." you say as you pull up a picture of the suit.

It was black suit with a dark red lace pattern. At the moment, I couldn't picture you in the suit, but I still complimented the suit. I put my stuff in my car and locked it before we made our way back inside. I was freezing as we walked.

"I'm making a run for it." I said as I hugged my coat closer to me and ran towards the door leaving you behind to process what I had said before you came chasing after me.

Once we made it inside, I stood by the heater in front of the library for a bit as we talked about what we were doing over the weekend. Soon, we walked and talked as I checked in with Mr. Pecar and helped choir set up for their event. The event was basically a singing competition between all choirs in the district. Almost all of the classrooms on the first floor were going to be used as a room for soloists or ensembles to perform in front of a judge for a set amount of time, usually 20 minutes. You helped me set up a couple of the rooms as we talked.

"The fashion show is boring anyways. You don't have to pull your volunteering for it." you say after I suggested that maybe I'll only volunteer for half of the day instead of the full day on Saturday to go to your fashion show.

"But I wanna see you catwalk."

"I'll give you one right now." you say as you put down the piano and walked to the opposite side of where I was standing.

You jokingly did your catwalk towards me as I laughed at your walk. You were very dramatically swinging your arms like they were noodles with a serious face. As you reached me, you bursted out laughing with me as you laid your forehead against mine. We continued to laugh as we moved the chairs and tables around to make room for the piano. While we laughed, Abby walked in.

"Hey Theo!" she greeted you in her sickly sweet voice.


"I texted you but you didn't answer it, but what are you wearing for the fashion show and prom?" she asked as she looked up at you.

"A suit." you curtly responded as I try not to laugh at your short answer.

"Be more specific, Rooster."

"Don't call me that ever. A suit for the fashion show and a suit with a tie that matches your dress." you responded as I just awkwardly stood there.

I felt out of place. From afar, you two look great together. Better than us two together. I shouldn't be thinking about that at that moment, but it just popped up in thought. Her calling you Rooster like I do. She's going to prom with you. You have to match your tie with her dress. She's skinny, pretty, and blonde (nothing against them. Some are the nicest and sweetest girls ever). At that moment, I felt insecure. I wasn't the only girl you had around. It was always me and others. Yeah, you may have chosen me, but with half the school swooning over you it felt like you had other options if you didn't want me anymore when I only had you. I slowly made my way out of the room, leaving the two of you to talk a little more. Not soon after, you were right by my side as I put up the schedule of performers for that room on the door.

I didn't ask about what you two talked about after I had left. We continued to set up a couple more rooms before you had to get to the locker room to change for your game. I was assigned to keep the choir room and room 131 performers on time and let them into the room when it's time. The rest of the evening went by in a flash. I didn't get to go to Bubba's with you and the group since the event didn't end until like 9pm. Once I was done and made my way to my car, I called you to keep me company on the drive home. We talked and talked. I was only like two miles away from my house when the poor truck slowed to a stop as the engine light turned on.

"Oh shit. C'mon baby just a little more past the train tracks." I grumbled as I turned the car off and turned on the hazard lights.

It had happened before. The truck has its moments of just having a mind of its own and wanting to rest. All I had to do was turn it off for a few minutes and turn it back on. It was dark out, almost 10pm at that point since I lived like 30 minutes away from school.

"What? What's wrong? Past the train tracks? Did your car die?" you questioned as I sat in the car and the only light that could show my face was the stoplight a few feet in front of me.

"It slowed down and turned off. It's fine. It'll–"

"What do you mean it'll be fine?! Your car literally slowed to a stop on the TRAIN TRACKS and it's late. You have nothing to def-"

"I'll be fine. It does that sometimes. All I have to do is turn it off for a few minutes and start it again." I explained as you looked at me with worry through the phone.

"I'm coming to get–"

"Ah... There we go." I interrupted as I started the car again and it worked.

I was on my way home again as you just gave me a 'are you fucking serious' look. I told you again that it happens as I laughed at you for getting all antsy about it. I made it home safely and ran inside, leaving my stuff in the car. I told you I'd call you back as I got ready to take a shower. Sooner or later, I finished the shower and, as promised, I called you back. We, then, again fell asleep as we talked to each other.  

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