Chapter 39

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May 4, 2019

Glitter- Tyler the Creator

May the Fourth be with you. Happy birthday Rooster! The yesterday was spent with you getting paraded with early happy birthdays as we walked in the halls.

"So, where are we going?"

"You wanted to watch Avengers, so early movies, then lunch, then we can just walk around." you say with a smile through the phone.

"Anything for Chris Evans."

"It's MY day not Chris Evans day." you joked as I laughed and continued to get ready.

"Are you on your way?" I asked as you nodded.

"I'm hanging up so eyes on the road chicken."

"I'm like five minutes away. Don't-"

"BLAH BYE!" I interjected as I hung up.

I finished getting ready and scrambled to find shoes as you pulled into my driveway. I ran out the door as you got out.

"Hi princess."

"Oh shit I forgot your present. BRB." I say before turning back and running back inside to find your gift.

I had also forgotten my tote bag, so I took that along too after finding your gift. I had decided to give you the supposed-to-be graduation memories journal since I procrastinated for too long.

"Okay. Sorry. Hi handsome." I smiled as I locked the door and made my way over to you.

"Ready? Missing anything else?"


"Yup. My birthday kiss." you smiled as I rolled my eyes at your cheekiness.

"Oh how could I ever forget that." I mumbled as I gave you a kiss.

You smiled as I pulled away and held my hand leading me to the passenger side. I hopped in and you closed the door before jogging around to the drivers side and we made our way to the movies.

"Happy 18th beloved Rooster." I softly say as I looked at you while you drove.

"Happiest birthday to me forsure." you smiled as you held my hand and kissed it.

We had small talk as we made our way to the movies. We went to MJR at Partridge Creek Mall and the theater was pretty empty since it was only 11pm.

"I'll buy the tickets since my birthday gift isn't all that." I say as I put the gift into my bag and we made our way to the theater.

"No. It's a date. I'm not letting you pay for anything."


"Nope. No buts." you rejected as we walked inside.

Once we got the tickets and you paid like you wanted, we went to get popcorn and this time I was faster.

"Hi. Can I get the large popcorn and drink, please?" you ordered.

"Your total is $16." the cashier says as you pull out your wallet.

I handed her a 20 dollar bill before you could get your money and gave you an 'too slow' smile as she gave me the change and handed you the cup and popcorn. You looked at me with a pout as I pushed you along for whoever was next in line.

"I told you I'd pay for it." you frowned as we got our drink.

"You said that for the tickets not the snacks." I retorted as you gave me a 'you knew what I meant' look.

You mumbled and grumbled as we butter the popcorn and put kettle corn season on it. I quietly laughed at the sight of you mumbling and grumbling as you shook the bag and I poured the seasoning.

"It's not that serious, Rooster."

"I'm paying for lunch before you say anything else to reject it." you declared as we walked to the auditorium.

"Whatever you want, Roos."

The auditorium was empty when we walked in and settled down in our seats.

"Maybe we'll get it all to ourselves and you can talk about Steve Rogers all you want." you joked as I pretended to be offended.

"I would never talk during the movies."

Soon, people started trickling into the auditorium and the movie started. The movie was amazing. I loved it and I cried. Never knew I was going to be crying over a Marvel movie, but here we are.

"Why'd Tony have to die?" I quietly cried as we walked out of there.

"To save the world." you laughed.

You chuckled at how much I was crying as we walked out of the theater. Eventually, I stopped crying as we decided where to go for lunch and we settled on California Pizza Kitchen.

"How could Steve do that to Bucky? What the fuck happened to "I'm with you 'til the end of the line", Steve? To go back to someone you danced with ONCE?" I grumbled as we sat down at our table.

"He deserves to rest. He's been a hero far too long anyways."

"Yeah understandable, but to leave the best friend that you started a whole civil war over like that after losing him for years TWICE!?" I argued as you laughed at how invested I was into it.

"That's now a Bucky problem." you joked as we ordered a pizza to share.

"True. Anyways, here's your present." I smiled as I handed you the journal.

You gave me a confused look as you took the journal.

"A journal of memories in my point of view. It was supposed to be your graduation, but I procrastinated too long to get you any actual birthday gift." I explained as a smile grows on your face.

"I'll put my point of view for when you graduate." you suggested as I smiled at the idea.

"I'd love that. A little book of us by us."

We talked about whatever as we ate the pizza and as you wanted, you paid for lunch. Once the bill was paid, we made our way out and walked around, just talking about whatever during those few hours.

"I have to let you get home to spend some of your birthday with your family." I say as I tug you towards the car.

"Mhm... just a little longer." you jokingly whined as you slightly tugged back.

I shook my head with a smile as I continued to tug you along and we eventually made it back to the car. We got in and you, reluctantly, started the car with a fake pout as I laughed at your childishness.

"You have another 25 minutes with me, honey. That's more than a little longer."

"I want forever." you say as we pulled out of the mall.

"It'll be us forever and ever, but after you spend time with your family." I smiled as you chuckled at the compromise.

"Anything you say, sweets."

The 25 minutes drive flew by. You pulled into my driveway and parked before getting out and opening my door.

"Have fun." I smiled as I got out.

"Come along. They'd love an addition." you try to convince me as I shook my head 'no'.

"See you in a while crocodile." I say before making my way inside as you smiled and whispered a 'bye'.

"Me and you forever and always, Athena!" you shouted before getting into your car and I shut the door.

Me and you forever and always, Theo Schuster.

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