Chapter 5

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September 21, 2018
Soarin'- Bazzi

    Over the weekend, we barely talked or texted. When we did, the texts were short. You seemed like you were mad about something again. Monday came and the routine started all over again. Homecoming started to become the talk. Some started planning to have dates and others wanted to just go with a group of friends. Others just didn't plan on going. Bia, Kaia, and Kiki had already gotten dresses but they were unsure whether to wear them or not. Bia was going with another group of friends, Kiki was going with Jalerean, and I was left to third-wheel for Kaia and Jason. It had turned out Kristy wasn't going to homecoming, so Kiki had just given Charles my number since he's planning to go but hadn't decided yet. When we were walking to the gym, I got a text from Charles and your expression went from happy to gloomy. I had just told you that it was Kiki's idea and it wasn't anything serious. You didn't care much for it so you just shrugged it off as I left to go to the girl's locker room.

    Classes all went on like visual reading to lunch. Charles and I kept texting casually. I asked you how Charles was and if he's nice. You didn't really give much information on him though.

    "He's nice. He's really quiet though and only hangs out with some of the players. No one has beef with him though, so he's alright." You shrugged as I nodded at your response.

    "What about Kristy? Kiki said he's fun but not much else" I questioned.

    "There's not much to him. He can be funny, he's a little quiet too but at a normal level. Not Charles' level. I'm not that close to him, but Jalerean is so he might know more about him."

    You didn't know the full reason why I asked about them but you didn't seem to care. While we walked around the school, Austin and Tre bumped into us. I wasn't very comfortable with Austin being around since he'd always try to get his small dick wet by any girl that looked at him but Tre was sweet and my English class husband since sophomore year. You guys did your bro-hug and handshake with each other while I tried to think of a way to hide from Austin. That didn't work since he pulled me into a bear hug after. Tre could sense the intense discomfort radiating off me as Austin just kept hugging me so he pulled me into a quick hug and had me stand between you and him.

"That was unnecessary." You scoffed at Austin while he laughed it off.

    "Anyways, yall have any plans after the game Friday?" Tre diverted, "We're going to Bubba's after but nothing else is planned. You should come with us."

    Austin said, "Bet. I'll be there," and Tre agreed with an awkward nod. Tre and I could tell you didn't like the idea of Austin joining. You then quietly whispered to us, "He better not show up." as we tried to hold our laughter in. We said bye to Tre and Austin and made our way to class as the bell rang for lunch. I texted 'the girl's' group chat and told them about the new additions to our Friday group dinner. They didn't like that Austin was joining us but fully welcomed that Tre was going and Kiki just didn't care. Bia and Kaia, the sweetest and kindest duo, not liking Austin show how bad he can get. Not much happens afterwards. I continued to text Charles throughout the week and found out he decided to not go to homecoming. Kiki was a little disappointed that she couldn't find me a date but hearing that I was still getting friendly with Charles washed her disappointment away. On Thursday, everyone started getting excited about the upcoming game on Friday. The game was the big rivalry game against Dakota High School. It being against Dakota meant the coaches went harder on you guys at practice. Coach made you guys have morning and after-school practice. Josh would facetime me at like four in the morning and just had me accompany you guys as Coach made you all run drills. It was four in the morning so I obviously picked up and turned my volume off and just went back to sleep. It was never necessary for him to do that but it's Josh— he does the weirdest things.

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