Chapter 63

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February 14, 2020

Footnote- Conan Gray

"You know he's home. He's been home for like a week now." Ryan says as we leave school. I just mindlessly nodded as we walked to my car.

"Good for him, I guess." I shrugged as I put my stuff into the car and got in. I didn't mean to sound so mean to Ryan, but I didn't want to talk about you.

"Okay. Are you going to lunch with Bia?"

"Yup! Oh, and I think I've found a date to take to my cousin's wedding." I say as we changed topics. Ryan didn't seem impressed as I talked about the maybe-date. It wasn't like I was trying for something serious, but he was still not impressed nonetheless.

"If he doesn't go, I will." He grinned as I agreed. It may be a little odd that I bring a date that's the American age as my brother, but if it didn't work out I'd just not bring a date. We said bye to each other as my brother and cousin made their way out of school. I had picked up another cousin from middle school and then dropped them all off before going to eat with Bia. We met up at an Olive Garden near the school.

"He's home." I told her after we ordered our food. She just sighed and changed the topic. I know they all want to say 'I told you so', but didn't want to rub salt on the wound. We talked and ate as we planned what we should do next. We got lucky and got a free dessert since Bias' grandparents were two tables away from us and gave us a plate of warm Italian doughnuts. We thanked them and Bia took the plate back to the table. Once we finished our dessert and paid for our food before we left to go to Pets Smart to pet some dogs that were up for adoption. As we pet the dogs, I got a text from Donnie.

"Dinner. Tonight at 7 in the basement."

I chuckled after reading the text. They didn't want a highly tense dinner. I responded that I'd be there before pocketing my phone and went back to petting the dogs. After some time, we eventually left and went our separate ways. She went home as I went to your house. I parked and made my way inside through the garage. The first person I greeted was dad and then mom. After catching up a bit, I made my way towards the basement.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sofia huffed as I stood in front of the basement door.

"Uhm. Donnie invited me..."

"Just because Theo doesn't choose you, you go for his brother. That's low." She murmured as I just looked at her with pursed lips. I didn't come to cause drama, so keeping my mouth shut was the best idea. I just nodded and ignored whatever she said next, making my way downstairs, as you walked through the front door with a bouquet of roses. It stinged a little at the glimpse of a dozen roses. I greeted your brothers as they munched on pizza.

"We got you a heart-shaped pizza." Andrew grinned proudly as he handed me the box. I thanked them with a smile before munching on the pizza as well. We talked about school and everything else.

"You know Jacob? The kicker for the football team? Yeah, so I've been friends with him since the start of the season because we have a mutual friend. Well, his ex-girlfriend, who's been dating Charles since the start of the season, dated him last year and is mad at me for being friends with him." I gossiped on the latest drama in my life.

She acted like I was trying to steal her ex from her when he clearly is an ex and she has a boyfriend. He actually was having a thing for some girl that goes to Dakota, so I don't know why I'm getting blamed for anything honestly.

"Didn't Charles all make you delete pictures you posted that had you and him in it?"

"Yup." I answered as they laughed.

"Maybe she made him tell you to delete them." Donnie laughed as I thought of how possible that would've been. We continued to spill on whatever else that was happening in our lives until the topic, somehow, moved onto how they didn't really like Sofia. They called her mean and high maintenance, but I just told them that maybe she wouldn't be as mean if they weren't so cold towards her.

"Why are you defending her? She called you a placeholder." Ryan grumbled as Donnie and Andrew looked at me in shock about the information. So, no one told them and now I'm there retelling them the Thanksgiving confrontation.

"She has the right to make sure I'm not a threat to her relationship." I shrugged as they rolled their eyes at my answer.

"She didn't even give you a chance before calling you a placeholder." Donnie commented as Andrew nodded in agreement with him. I sighed. They were right; she didn't give me a chance, but that doesn't mean she didn't feel threatened by me. I switched topics, no longer wanting to talk about anything about you or her. Once we finished eating, Donnie and I gathered the empty pizza boxes as Andrew and Ryan took them upstairs to throw out.

"I'm sorry for bringing them up." Donnie apologized as we waited for the other two to come back. I told him it was fine and I couldn't avoid the topic forever. As soon as the other two came back, the gaming station was turned on. I sat there watching them play whatever game it is that they decided on. At some point, I started to zone out.

"Were everything we built back up again after Thanksgiving meant for nothing? Was it to keep her place safe while she's off doing whatever she does?..."

Were the thoughts that ran through my mind as I zoned out. After a few hours of watching them play games, I told them goodnight before going upstairs to leave. I bumped into you as I closed the basement door.

"We're not back together. She just didn't want to go home yet." You tried to explain as I walked away.

"Then, she could've stayed in North Dakota."

"She's leaving tonight."

"Sure she is. You bought her roses. There's no way she's leaving tonight." I scoffed as I walked away from you.

"They're for you."

That stopped me in my tracks as I turned around to look at you confused. How could they be for me when she had basically confirmed that the two of you were back together.

"They were for you." You repeated as you zoomed upstairs, leaving me standing in the kitchen confused. You came back down in a few minutes with the bouquet of roses in hand. You caught your breath as you handed me the bouquet. I smiled a little at the dozen beautiful roses.

"That doesn't mean you two aren't back together." I stated as I remembered what we were talking about wasn't sweet.

"Well... We did get back together a few weeks after I had gotten back to school, not officially though. She cheated again." You quietly explained. So, I was the second choice. I dropped the flowers on the kitchen island as I rolled my eyes at him. A part of me still wanted to still have any piece of your heart you're willing to give me; so, as you explained that all the two of you did was talk, I just took that explanation and picked the flowers back up. Maybe I'm dumb for that, but in that moment, I didn't care.

"Thank you, Roos." I softly smiled as you grinned at me. I said goodnight before leaving you in the kitchen with a grin and made my way home. That was the second time I had taken you back to be whatever we were.

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