Chapter 27

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February 1, 2019

Love.- Kendrick

Bia and Martin talked it through with one another. They were back together.Bia and him seemed more in love than ever after that weekend. The week went on without any fights. You were a little bruised up, but it wasn't that noticeable. Martin was bruised up too and his weren't noticeable either.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I softly caressed the little purple bruise on your jaw.

"Not really. A kiss would make it better though." you playful say as I rolled my eyes at you.

The countdown to my birthday had officially started with less than a week left. My birthday falls on a Thursday this year, so we couldn't really do anything until the eighth. The group planned for dinner at somewhere of my choosing for that night. You guys keep asking what I wanted and I would tell you guys the same thing over and over. Anything you'd give me. I didn't care what y'all were gonna get me.

Bia and I went to the game. I wasn't really expecting myself to be there again, but here we are. You were excited that I was there. Bia and I sat near the doors as we watched you and Martin play. I wasn't one for loud cheering, so I left it all for Bia. She cheered as loud as possible whenever either you or Martin scored. Soon enough, the game came to an end with a win for Clayton. As you and Martin went to get changed, Bia and I went outside to her car. I had carpooled with her since my car was acting up and my dad took the other car to run errands. Bia and I sat in the warmth of her car and talked as we waited for the two of you.

"So the plan is just dinner after their game right?"

"Yeah. I kinda want everyone to dress up for it though, but I don't even know where to go." I replied as I scrolled through Yelp for some restaurants.

"Oh my god. We should. Then, we can take cute pictures together too!" Bia says excitedly.

The thought was from then on used when I tried to find a place for us to eat next week. After a little while, you and Martin were standing next to the car. Bia rolled down the window to greet Martin as I got out of her car to get into yours. The two of them talked a bit before Martin got into his car and they both made their way to Bubba's.

"Mom wanted me to give you this as an early birthday present from her." you say as you hand me a gift bag.

I took the bag from you and started shuffling through the tissue paper. I felt fabric before I pulled it out completely. I took it out and it was a black hoodie. A simple black UND hoodie. That was until I read the words under the word University of North Dakota and the mascot. It said hockey. I laughed as I looked at it. I don't know if she had meant to get a hockey on or it was a simple mistake. You asked what was so funny as you parked the car. I continued to laugh as I turned the hoodie around to show you. You didn't catch it at first until I told you to read every word that was on there. Once you caught the word hockey, your jaw dropped.

"I play football not hockey." you sulked as we got out of the car.

"She probably made a mistake. It's fine, it reps Brock Boeser." I laughed as we walked inside and you groaned.

You shot a text to your mom as we sat down with the others. We spent the night talking about the latest gossip and whatever else that comes to mind. On our drive to my house, you handed me a little green woven bracelet.

"An early birthday present," you say as I smiled and put it on.

"I got it from Tim Hortons when I went to get coffee with dad the other day. The money went towards charity."

I smiled and thanked you. My mom had gotten on a few days ago too. They cost a dollar. It may have been only a dollar, but it was going to worn out like it cost millions of dollars. You had to help me tighten it on my wrist after you parked in my driveway.

"Thank you Roos. I'll wear it everyday." I smiled as I gave you a kiss before getting out and grabbing my stuff.

"I'll replace it with an expensive one one day."

"Whatever you say. Goodnight Roos." I waved as I walked inside.

"Goodnight sweets." 

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