Chapter 17

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November 24, 2018

We are the champions- QUEEN

Hot Rod- Dayglow

We ended up never really talking about what happened with Jalerean. I did tell Bia and Kaia about what Jalerean said but not what you said in response.

"What did he say about it?"

"Did you ask him about it?"

"I knew he had a thing for you," they said when I told them about it.

"No he doesn't," I denied.

"We just swept it under the rug and just forgot about it," I shrugged as they shook their heads in disappointment.

"I knew you were clueless and slow sometimes, but I didn't think you were this oblivious."

"He memorized your Starbucks order for christ sake. I've been friends with you since freshman year and I still don't have it memorized," Bia says matter-of-factly.

"I've known you since seventh grade and I can't even memorize it," Kaia retorted as I continued to shake my head at their point.

"That does NOT mean Rooster-"

"See. Only you get to call him Rooster. Only you." Kaia says.

"It's just a nickname. It's not that serious. Plus anyone can call him Rooster, he's not gonna care," I defended.

"No one else calls him that, just like how no one else calls you Lucky Charms," Bia debated as I sigh in defeat.

"I'll believe it when he tells me that he does not because you guys say so," I say as we get ready for the pep rally for the big championship game.

They shook their heads in disagreement, but let the subject go anyway. We decided to sit at the very tops of the bleachers, which was a bad choice with a knee brace. We talked as other students started coming in and found spots to sit in with their friends. Soon, the pep rally finally started as Coach Miller started introducing the varsity players. Bia and Kaia cheered as he introduced Martin and Jason. The pep rally continued on with boring speeches from the coaches and the superintendent. The pep rally eventually comes to an end and everyone piles their way out to get out of school. Kaia, Bia, and I stuck around a bit, not wanting to squeeze between the crowd to get out.

As soon as the bleachers were less crowded, we made our way down and out to Bias' car.

"Are you and Jalerean together?" Kiki askes out of nowhere as we walk out to the student parking lot.

"No. Why? Did he say we were?" I responded in confusion on where she got that idea from.

"That lying asshole. I'm sorry for what he's doing." She says as she walks away from us.

Kaia, Bia, and I exchanged confused looks, but shrugged it off and continued walking to her car.

"How far is the drive to Ford Field and do I have to be the one that drives?" Bia asked as she pulled into her driveway.

"From here, I think it's like a 30-45 minute drive, but the problem is finding parking. If you don't want to drive, I'll drive," I responded as we got into her house and went to her room to get ready.

Bia agreed that I should drive since she said she was too scared to drive on the freeway and in the city. They wore their boyfriends jerseys as I opted to wear a red pullover. As they saw me put on the pullover instead of a jersey, they both gave me a 'where's the jersey' look to which I just shrugged in response.

"No jersey? Where's the number 9?" Bia jokes.

"He should be on the bus to Ford Field right about now," I laughed.

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