Chapter 35

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April 5, 2019

Put your records on- Ritt Momney

Spring break finally started and the countdown to your last two months of school started. Your mom enlisted me and your brothers to help you find a tie that matches Abbys' dress so she wouldn't have to do it later.We all met up at Somerset Mall.

"Hi shortcake!"

"Hi Athena!" They greeted me as I stood by the Macy's entrance.

"Hey. There's two of you that's missing."

"Oh, yeah. They're parking the car." Donnie says.

We stood by the entrance, waiting for you and Andrew, as we just started small talk.

"A little birdie told me that you and Theo are together." Ryan says as Donnie raises his eyebrows at me.

"Who's the little birdie?" I laughed.

"Andrew. He said he saw you two kiss in the driveway after the new years party."

"Well then. He's not wrong but he's not completely right either. We're not like official official, but we are together." I explained as they shared confused looks.


"Basically, we're together but we don't have a label and not the entire fricking world knows that we're together." I further explained.

"So that's why he's still going to prom with someone else." Ryan quietly muttered as you and Andrew came through the doors.

"Hi Athena!" Andrew greeted me as you threw an arm over my shoulders.

"Hi little bird." I greeted back as Ryan and Donnie snickered at the greeting while you and Andrew looked at us confused.

"Hi sweets." you quietly greeted as you pressed a kiss on top of my head.

"Hi." I mumbled back leaning into you more before we made our way around the mall to find a navy blue tie that would hopefully match your prom date dress.

We gathered as many navy blue ties as we could before trying to color match with the picture of her dress. None of the ones we found matched her dress. They were either too dark, too bright, or simply not the right color. We moved on from Macy's and went to Nordstrom. On the way there, we stopped at Starbucks to get some drinks before resuming the mission that mom gave us. Once we got our drinks, the mission for a navy blue tie continued.

"Does it have to be a tie or can it be a bowtie?" Andrew asked as he held up a navy blue bowtie for all of us to see.

We didn't even notice that he wandered off while we stood at the table full of ties looking for navy blue.

"Doesn't matter." you shrugged as you grabbed the bowtie from him while pulling up the dress picture.

"It matches." Donnie says as he high-fived Andrew.

"Mission accomplished!" Ryan cheered as we walked to the counter to check out.

I never knew a navy blue bow tie could be such an accomplishment for a group of boys. It was cute watching you and your brothers cheer for Andrew since he found the bowtie. He probably doesn't understand but once it's his turn to find a tie to match his dates for homecoming or prom, he'll probably understand. Once you paid for the tie, it was my turn to go shopping around. It was quite a sight to watch a group of four boys follow me around the small Sephora looking for makeup or skincare. Everything in there seemed to intrigue you guys. You guys would touch everything as we walked around.

"Stop touching everything." I laughed as Donnie, Ryan, and Andrew swatched a highlighter palette and tried to smear it onto one another.

"Sorry..." they mumbled like they were a group of guilty children as I handed them a tissue to remove the sparkle.

You chuckled at their mischievousness as you followed me around, leaving them to clean up their sparkly fingers before they head out of the store.. I eventually finished looking around and went to check out whatever I had left in my basket after a little contemplation on whether or not I actually needed it or not.

"I'll pay for i-"

"Nope. Back up buckaroo." I say as I step in between you and the counter as the worker chuckled at us.

"No. Don't take her money." You tell the worker as you wrapped your arms around me and kept my arms around my chest while I tried to hand her the money.

You swept your card before letting me go as the worker put the receipt into the bag and handing me the bag. I thanked her, grabbed the bag, and turned over to you with a frown as we walked out to where your brothers stood.

"It's my stuff. I should've paid for it." I mumbled as I tried to give you the money back.

"Lalalala- No. I'm not taking your money. Anything you want you get. I'll buy you the mall if I could." you rejected as you swat my hand away from your pocket.

I kept trying to give you back the money as we walked but I failed every time.

"Fine. Meanie." I say, accepting defeat.

You put your arm over my shoulders again as we walked around the mall. We eventually got hungry and stopped at Chick-fil-a. Donnie and Ryan were tasked to stand in the long line and order as you, Andrew, and I were tasked to find us a table. We eventually found a table and settled down while we waited for Donnie and Ryan.

"Did you know that he's moving to North Dakota, late July?" Andrew asked as he sat down in front of us.

I nodded in response. I knew you were moving to North Dakota, but I didn't think it was until late August. Time was starting to fly by too quickly. Maybe I didn't want summer to come that quickly.

"How is he gonna survive without us?" I joked as Andrew nodded along with a laugh.

The other two finally came back to us with food in hand. We all started eating and joked throughout the time. By the time we finished eating and threw away all the trash, it was time to head home. You and I split from the group as you walked me to my car.

"I thought you were moving in late August..." I murmured.

"I have football camp, so I have to move early. You could come with me and then fly back late August for school." you suggested as I laughed.

"My mom would kill me if I asked her."

"We still have from now until then. I'll spend it all with you, sweets." you say as I sat in my car with the door open.

"That's a little mean to your family don't you think?" I chuckled as you stepped between my legs, looking up at me with a soft smile.

"Mhmm... they've been with me for 17 almost 18 summers already. They won't miss me that much." you mumbled as you kissed me.

"Whatever you say, Rooster."

We stayed in that position a little longer, until Donnie yelled hurry up. We laughed and I let you get to your brothers after you closed my car door.

"I'll see you tomorrow? With dad?" you questioned as I nodded.

"Don't steal all of the Schusters heart. Leave some space for me."

"Your heart is all I want, Theo Schuster." I laughed.

"You already have it."

"See ya later alligator."

"See you in a while crocodile." you smiled as you went to your car and I made my way home.

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