Chapter 48

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July 4, 2019

Halley's Comet- Billie Eilish

Always forever- Cults

Happy Fourth! I spent the morning with my family before going over to your house.

"Are you on your way?" you asked as I got in the car.

"Yeah. Give me like 20 minutes. Oh, I got you something from my cousin-in-law."

"What is it?" you questioned as I started my drive.

"No clue. You can open it when I get there."

You stayed on the phone the entire time and when I pulled on your street, I could see Andrew and Ryan messing around on the grass. When they saw me park the car, they were the first to come greet me as I hung up the phone. They threw their arms around my shoulders as we walked up the driveway. I greeted dad and Donnie on the way in and mom in the kitchen.

"You know his moving date moved up." Andrew quietly said as we walked to the backyard. I didn't have to ask who. I already knew who he was talking about. I shook my head and just stared at the floor as we walked. You didn't tell me. I thought I had until July 20th, but it seems to be cut even shorter. Once we made it outside, I saw you sit on the daybed. Ryan and Andrew let me go as I made my way over to you.

"When are you moving?" I quietly coughed as I sat down next to you.

"Late J-"

"Don't... don't lie to me."

"July 10th. Coach wants to start practice early this year."

That was only six days from now. Six. When were you planning to tell me? Were you just gonna tell me two days before? The biggest question I had in my mind was why didn't you tell me earlier.

"When were you going to tell me? Why didn't-"

"I was bargaining with coach for more time. I didn't want to leave you. Telling you makes leaving more official than it should." you sighed as you pulled me into a hug.

"I'll be spending the next six days with you whether you like it or not. Even when you're packing." I mumbled as you chuckled.

"Please do that."

We stayed cuddled up to one another just looking at the stars. Our stars shined bright tonight. It felt like it was just us and the July night sky until Ryan came over and jumped on the both of us.

"IT'S FIREWORKS TIME BABY!!!" he yelled as he smothered us.

I laughed at his antics before we got up and went to the front of the house. Ryan ran to stand next to Donnie and Andrew as dad asked them which fireworks to use first. Andrew handed out markers and lanterns saying that we'd do that last so we could have all the time to write whatever we wanted on the lantern. You went to stand next to your brothers and dad with your lantern and marker in hands as you guys took turns lighting up the fireworks as I stood by in the garage. I smiled as the four of you messed with each other as the fireworks went off.

"He's gonna miss you so much when he's gone," mom says as she stands next to me.

"He shed a few tears when he got the call that practice was starting earlier."

She looks at me with a soft smile. It was like she was telling me that you love me a lot without actually saying it. She was silently telling me that the whole family loves me too with a fond look in her eyes. This was my family too now and I wouldn't change it for the world. I gave her smile back as you walked back towards us.

"I do too." I quietly said before she went down the driveway to the others.

"Let's write on the lanterns." you say and you took me to sit near the group in the driveway.

"Let's watch a little more." I responded as I took our lanterns and markers, putting them on the ground in front of us. You wrapped your arms around me as we stood there watching the fireworks that Donnie, the dad, spent hours on choosing. I could stay here like this with you forever and I'd be happy for life.

"Can't we stay like this forever?" you mumbled as you looked down at me and I looked up at you. I could get lost in those bluish gray eyes forever if I could. I didn't say anything back, opting for a silent nod and smile instead. You softly smiled down at me as you cupped my face, pulling me into a soft kiss. As we kissed, we could hear the others cheer. Maybe it was us or maybe it was for the big fireworks. All I know at this moment is that I am honestly, truly, completely in love with you and I will be no matter how far away you'll be. I pulled away with a small smile as you chased my lips for another kiss.

"I hope in every universe it'll be us forever and always." you say as we stood under the fourth of July fireworks.

"I love you forever and always, Athena."

"I love you forever and always,Theo."

We, eventually, sat down to write on our lanterns as the others started the last few big fireworks and handed out sparklers to some of the little kids that were watching. We hid what we wrote on the lanterns from each other. You said the wish won't come true if I read it, so I didn't let you read mine either. When the others were done writing on their lanterns, we finally started to light them and letting them go. You pulled me close as we watched the lanterns with our wishes float through the night sky with our shining stars.

"Forever and always."

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