Chapter 70

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July 4, 2020

My tears ricochet- Taylor Swift

Astronomy- Conan Gray

Oceans & Engines- NIKI

"Happy Fourth!" Dad greeted me as I walked up the driveway. I haven't talked to you since June 10th. I ignored all your texts and calls. Ryan, Donnie, and Andrew were told about it and they didn't push to hang out whenever they knew you'd be around. It was like almost everyone was walking on eggshells around us. I was only here, because Andrew wanted me to spend the fourth with them. I was never going to say reject little sweet Andrew.

"You made it!!!" Andrew shouted as he ran to me with you and the others trailing behind. He picked me up and twirled me as we laughed until we were both dizzy from the spinning. I greeted Ryan and Donnie before giving you a small smile to be friendly. We all stood around as dad and other dad, Donnie, set up the fireworks. At some point, Ryan and Andrew left to help them, leaving us two standing there.

"We broke up for good this time."

"Mhmm... Good for you." I mumbled.

"It was always going to be you, Athena. Always."

"I guess forever and always had an expiration date. I can't do this again, Theo." I say as tears well up in my eyes and fireworks go off. Saying your name felt foreign. I had always called you by a nickname. Rooster, Roos, love, babe, sweets. So, this was it. I was ending our little cycle right here in the same spot we said that'd we love each other forever and always. The same spot where our forever and always started and is going to end.

"It doesn't have to." You begged as you grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face you. The tears started to fall as I looked into your bluish gray eyes. The eyes that I had loved so much were brimmed with tears just like mine. Fireworks continued to go off and your brothers cheering could be heard in the distance as we cried. It's funny to think last year we were promising each other as fireworks went off.

"It has to. I can't do this again, Theo. I can't keep waiting for you to choose me after she cheats on you again. I can't keep doing this. You don't want me."

"I do. I want you. I love you, please." You whimpered out as I cried harder. I want those words to be true. I wanted to throw myself into your arms again and act like it was all okay again. I wanted to stay, even if it was only just for a small moment, but I also wanted to be able to move on. I wanted to be able to fall in love again with someone that isn't you.

"Then, I shouldn't have been your second choice. Every. Fucking. Time."

"I'm not someone who is gonna stay around, waiting for you to get your heartbroken again by her. I deserve to be someone's first choice, Roos."

"You're n—"

"Don't you dare say that I'm not. I have been second choice to her four fucking times. Four. Not once or twice, Roos. FOUR!" I yelled as tears blurred my vision.

"I can't even hate you for it. I hate myself for being so stupid for taking you back almost every time, but I can't do this again. I just can't..."

That was it.

Our story ended.

Our stars stopped shining bright in the night sky.

Our forever and always expired, officially.

Maybe in another it'd be us forever and always.

Maybe in another universe, it'd be us 10 years from now living somewhere warm with a big house and backyard.

"See you in a while crocodile." I say one last time as I walked away from you with tears streaming down my face.

Everyone knew what had happened as I walked past them. Tonight it wasn't just our hearts that were broken.

Donnies' heart broke as he watched his younger brother and the girl that he adopted like a little sister break apart one last time.

Dads' heart broke as he watched the girl that made sure his boys stayed in check and safe, and held his flashlight better than his son, left.

Moms' heart broke as the daughter that she had wanted, left with tears streaming down her face as her son stood defeated in the driveway.

Andrew and Ryans' heart broke as they watched the one that promised to keep her heart protected cry as her heart was broken the last time by their brother.

That was it. Hearts were broken as we ended our story short. I hope you'll always be happy and healthy. I hope you know that even through it all, I will always, completely, honestly, truly love you.

Yours truly,


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