Chapter 55

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November 28, 2019

Right where you left me- Taylor Swift

It's Thanksgiving and you are finally coming home to visit. School had been boring as always, but now us, seniors, get to stress over choosing colleges and applying for FAFSA. Mom had invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner and who am I to reject such an offer. I could only stay for a bit before I had to leave to go over to my cousins for dinner as well.

"Why can't you just stay and then go over to your cousins tomorrow?" Andrew mutters with a mouth full of snacks. Mom told him to stop talking with his mouth full as I grinned at him. I would stay if I could, but I had promised Cassandra that I'd come over to play with her. Ryan stood next to us in silence, fidgeting as we chatted. He looked like he was gonna have an anxiety attack as he kept looking at the door. Dad and Donnie were in the kitchen, working on the turkey, as mom prepped the other food.

"What's wrong with Ryan?" I quietly questioned as Andrew just shrugged and went off to find something to drink. I looked at him while he fidgeted and looked at the door.

"What's wrong?" I probed as he just stared at me. I waited for him to answer as he opened and closed his mouth trying to find the words to whatever he wanted to say. Before he could utter anything out, the front door opened and mom ran out to greet the one other person we were expecting, you. Everyone followed behind her to greet you. I stood next to Ryan as you walked in. I smiled the moment you entered through the door. You were home and everything felt okay all over again.

"Oh honey, welcome hom–" Mom said as she went to hug you until she just stopped in her tracks and went quiet. No one knew what was going on as she stood there, covering you with herself and the door. Before anyone could ask, she opened the door more. That's when everyone saw what she saw, more like who. There was someone that stood behind you as you held her hand. You brought someone home.

"Hey guys. This is Sofia, my girlfriend."

Everything just stopped as I tried to process your words. Everyone looked at one another in confusion, while Ryan just blankly stared at the both of you. That's when I finally realized that this was what he meant. He knew you had gotten yourself a girlfriend and why'd you suddenly have blocked me off. Now, the only question left was how'd he know. I couldn't say anything but stare at you and her as I fidgeted with the ring that you had given me before you left. My thoughts jumbled as you and her set your stuff down. Ryan stopped my fidgeting as Donnie and Andrew came over to us.

"What the fuck." Donnie exasperated. Exactly, what the fuck is going on.

"Did you know?" he asked us as Andrew and I shook our heads 'no'. Ryan didn't say anything as he held my hand like I was going to run away from him. With his silence, that was when Andrew too realized. Andrew tells Donnie everything about it as you and Sofia made your way over to us with a big smile.

"I missed you guys," you greeted us as I put on a brave face like my heart didn't just shatter. A lot could happen in a few minutes just like the championship and a lot seemed to happen in the last few months since we had seen each other.

"This is Sofia. This is my brothers, Donnie, Andrew, and Ryan. And this... this is my best friend, Athena." you introduced us as my heart breaks even more. Ryan held my hand tighter as he and your brothers quietly greeted her and I gave her a weak smile. Sofia's pretty. She's blonde, skinny, and pretty, just like the girls Abby said fit you more. I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding as soon as you and her walked away. Your brothers didn't say anything as my eyes kept their hold on the two of you. Our last year together just shattered as I kept looking at the two of you. Dad ushered into the kitchen as we stood around, helping when needed. I didn't mean to be mean as I simply ignored her presence as well as yours. I could feel your stares as you talked to whoever. Ryan didn't leave my side until Dad told him and Donnie to go get something.

"I'm Sofia." she greeted me as we stood in the corner further away from you and the others.

"Hi. I'm Athena." I greeted back with the biggest smile I could give her. She seemed nice and she didn't do anything wrong neither did you. We weren't officially together anyway.

"Look. I know we just met, but I'm gonna be truthful with you. I told him to block you. You guys are too close to be just best friends," she expressed. That's because we were more than that, or so I had thought.

"I don't want you to hang out with him or his family anymore. They have me now. I'm his girlfriend and best friend now. You're no longer needed to keep my spot warm, so go home. Do it for him before I have to give him an ultimatum. Bye bye." she added as I looked at her in shock. I had just met this girl not even 20 minutes ago. I had thought she was nice until now. Never judge a book by its cover and that's what I did. I didn't say anything as she turned around to walk back to where you were. You effortlessly wrapped your arm around her like you used to do with me as you talked to dad and your brothers. It was over. I wasn't needed anymore. Tears welled up in my eyes as I announced that it was time for me to leave. I tried to keep the tears from falling as I quietly said goodbye to everyone. The moment I was outside, I broke. The tears freely flowed as I stood in the driveway, in the same spot that Donnie had taken the picture, the same spot we had danced with one another after homecoming, the same spot we had written our wishes on a paper lantern. Now, it's the spot that I completely crumbled with a broken heart. Veronica's right, we were doomed from the moment you went off to college without making it official between us.

I stood there and quietly cried as all our memories flooded through my mind. I could hear someone walking towards me from the front door, but I didn't care. The tears kept flowing as they walked closer.

"I'm sorry," Ryan gulped as he wrapped his arms around me.


"I saw them together after the last game I went to as we had walked away from to go back to the hotel. At first, I didn't think of it. That was until he kissed her. No one else saw them except me, so don't blame them. It wasn't my secret to tell, but I should've told you." he explained as I cried.

He wasn't the one to blame. You weren't the one to blame either. We weren't together. You were free to do whatever or whoever you wanted. The only person to blame was me.

"Don't blame yourself. No one is. He didn't do anything wrong either. We weren't officially together. Ha. I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm so stupid." I quivered.

He held me closer as I continued to cry. He hushed me, telling me it was never my fault and that I wasn't stupid. We had dragged everyone in with this. How can I break Andrews' heart after promising him that we'd be friends forever, even when you're gone. How am I gonna stop hanging out with Ryan at football games or stop holding dads' flashlights for him or going shopping with mom or going to TopGolf with Donnie, even though I don't know how to golf. Too many hearts were involved in this and I can't let them break like mine did, so I'll stick around for whatever tiny part of your heart you will give me. 

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