Chapter 47

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July 3, 2019

Your parents had enlisted Ryan, Andrew, Donnie, and I to go get some fireworks for tomorrow while you went to the first Varsity practice to see the new Clayton Valley football team. Once I got to your house, we were off to find some fireworks, especially at the small tents in front of different plazas since they had the best sales in Donnies' opinion. Our first stop was Fireworks Pro. I stuck with Ryan as Donnie and Andrew went off to look at the big fireworks.

"Can we get sparklers?" I ask as I pick up a pack of sparklers.

"Get whatever you want. Donnie could never say no to you nor can any of us to be honest." Ryan stated as he picked up a few more packs of sparklers.

I mumbled how many sparklers do we need as he placed like four packs of sparklers into the basket. It wasn't busy when we first got there, but the dads started flowing in. I held onto Ryans' arm as we walked down the aisles, looking at all of the fireworks, while Donnie and Andrew were somewhere in the store. Ryan grabbed some pop-its and a box of firecrackers.

"Let's get some lanterns!" I exclaimed as I grabbed a pack of white lanterns.

"We can write a wish or something on them and then let them go."

Ryan just smiled and told me to put it in the basket before we went to find Donnie and Andrew. When we found them, Donnie was talking to an older man while Andrew just stood next to him munching on popcorn. No clue where he got it from, but I wasn't going to question it. I stole some popcorn from Andrew as I stood next to him and Ryan put everything that was in the basket into the cart before going to put the basket back.

"What'd you guys get?" Andrew asked with a mouthful of popcorn.

"Don't talk with your mouth full. We got sparklers, pop-its, firecrackers, and lanterns."

"Sorry mom." he laughed as Donnie continued to talk to the older man about fireworks. Donnie gave off dad vibes at this moment, especially with his blue polo shirt, khaki shorts, and his Sperry's. They continued to talk about fireworks as Donnie placed some of the older man's suggestions in the cart while Ryan, Andrew, and I stood by him munching on the bag of popcorn. At one point, the older man even asked if Ryan and Andrew were his kids. We tried to hold back our laughs as Donnie said that they were his younger brothers. That really upped his dad vibes. Eventually, we made our way to check out. The older guy opened a lane for us and checked us out while still talking to Donnie, which I'm pretty sure gave us a good discount. Now we know where all the chattiness genes went. As we got out to the car, Ryan jokingly called Donnie dad and asked him if he needed help putting it all in the car. Donnie just rolled his eyes as we all put the fireworks in the trunk and put the cart back. After we all got into the car, we were off to the next fireworks store since Donnie decided that the fireworks in the back weren't enough. The day was spent scavenging for fireworks and it flew by.

Once we got home, we unloaded the fireworks into the garage and you pulled into the driveway. You parked the car and got out to help unload the abnormal amount, in my opinion, of fireworks. We were almost finished unloading the fireworks to its now designated spot when dad came out.

"Jesus christ. Did you four buy the whole store?"

"Yeah, Donnie did." Ryan reported as Donnie gave him a grin.

"He also got asked if he was our dad." Andrew shared, causing dad and you to laugh.

Donnie the dad. You threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer, as we stood in the garage and the dads looked at the fireworks while Ryan and Andrew went inside. I smiled up to you before turning and wrapping you into a hug as we watched them look through the fireworks. We silently stood like that, listening to their conversation and Donnie explaining the big fireworks.

"Why's there so many sparklers?" dad inquired.

"Ryan grabbed them when I asked if we could get sparklers."

Dad just nodded and shrugged it off, going back to the other fireworks. You kissed the top of my head as we continued to listen to them.

"I could fall asleep like this." I quietly yawned, snuggling closer in your chest.

"Let's go take a nap." you suggested as you pulled out of the hug and pulled me inside the house. We quickly greeted mom before getting to your room. I kicked off my Birkenstocks and jumped under the covers as you too kicked off your shoes and socks and took off your hoodie. You turned off the lights before getting under the covers with me. I laid my head on your chest, softly tracing random shapes, as you wrapped your arms around me. A few minutes later, I had fallen asleep. Andrew was the one that woke us up. He snuggled his way into the bed, almost pushing you off. He told us that they were going to dinner in 10 minutes if we wanted to come along and went out of the room. I let out a yawn as I looked up at you with sleepy eyes.

"We'll just order something and keep sleeping a little more." you mumbled to me as you grabbed your phone to text them. I just nodded before you asked what I wanted to eat. I mumbled that I didn't as I snuggled closer to you before drifting off to sleep again. You eventually woke me up again when the food arrived. You got up and went to get the food and I sat up, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, before trailing behind you downstairs.

"What'd you get?" I sleepily asked as you shut the front door.

"PF Changs."

"Wow. Fancy." I quietly laughed as we sat down at the kitchen table.

You took out the boxes from the bag and set them on the table.

"I got you hot and sour soup, since you'd always order that whenever we went to get Asian food, and beef Korean glass noodles."

"Have I ever told you that you are the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life?" I beamed.

You just smiled and tied my hair up as I got out the silverware from the bag for us. God, you are the love of my life for this. I mumbled a thank you before opening soup. We talked and messed around as we ate. Since you took out all of the food, I cleaned up the mess we made after. I sat back down after throwing away the trash.

"Time to get home." I softly smiled as I looked at the time.

We got up and you walked me out to my car like always. You grabbed my face, peppering my face with kisses as I giggled and set my hands atop of yours. You're really such a cheeseball, I love it. Let's stay this in love forever. You finally let me go and we said goodnight to each other before I drove off.

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