Chapter 68

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May 31, 2020

It's the wedding day. You woke up early to call and keep me company as I got ready before going to the brides' house to do her hair.

"You look pretty already."

"I have concealer on that not blended lookin like a messy kindergarteners art project." I laughed as I rummaged through my vanity for my brush.

"Art is subjective." You retorted as I continued to do my makeup. It was like homecoming day junior year. A sense of good deja vu. We stayed in silence as music quietly played in the background and I finished doing my hair and makeup.

"See, you are beautiful." You complimented as I gathered my stuff to get ready to leave. I gave you a smile before telling you I had to go and hung up the call. If the anemic wasn't happening, you would've been my date and you would've been getting bombarded with questions the moment you showed up to the brides' house. As soon as I got to her house, I started doing her hair as Lia did her makeup. We were in a spare room as the brides' mom scrambled around to get ready herself.

The day was just getting started. When we got to the church, we quickly changed into our ao dai and got the bride into her dress as the guests started to trickle in. That's when the trouble started to rise. The cousin that was supposed to open the doors as the bride started her walk down the aisle wasn't there. His wife said he stayed home to watch the kids since they didn't want to bring them. Problem one. The flower girl was still asleep as the time started to get closer and closer. Problem two. One of the groomsmen forgot their dress shoes at home and that was problem three.

Problem one was solved with my brother having to quickly take the responsibility with one of the grooms' friends. Problem two was solved when she woke up just a few minutes shy from the start of the ceremony. Problem three was solved by him switching shoes with one of the guests. There would've been a problem four if you were there trying to understand what the aunts were trying to say to you. I don't think I want to be a bridesmaid ever again. 

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