Chapter 19

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December 7, 2018

Yours- Evann McIntosh

Corduroy dreams- Rex Orange County

Until I found you (piano version)- Stephan Sanchez

I didn't go to any of your previous basketball games until today. The team was playing against Grosse Pointe South. Bia, Kaia, and I went out for a small lunch before the game started while you and the boys went to do whatever. We talked about school and gossiped a little as we sat down at National Coney Island. Bia asked me the same question Kaia had asked the week before. My answer was still the same: "No, maybe we'll talk about it later." We, of course, moved on from that topic again.

"What are we gonna do for Christmas?" Bia asked as we left the topic again.

"We're gonna spend it with our families and then we can do our Christmas on New Years at someone's house. Not mine though my mom doesn't like guests like that," I suggested.

"Us girls can go Christmas shopping during break."

"Are we all buying each other presents? Is there a price limit? I'm broke," Kaia says as I nod along with her.

"Yes, it can be like $30 and under," Bia suggested.

"I'll just give each of y'all like $5 each," I joked as they protested that that isn't any fun.

"The hardest part would be what to get the guys," I say as they nod in agreement.

Christmas isn't until another two weeks, so we still had time to figure it out. Once we finished eating, we made our way back to school to watch the game. Jason was already there waiting and was generous enough to get us tickets. We found a spot on the bleachers to sit as the players made their way out of the locker room. Bia dragged me along with her to go see Martin before the game started. They did their pre-game ritual like they did during football season as I stood in the back, watching them.

"Lucky Charms!!" I hear you shout as you walk out of the locker room.

"You're here," You say as you pull me into a hug.

I gave you a smile as we pulled apart. We did our awkward handshake before you and Martin left for warm-ups. Bia and I went back to our seats and the game soon started. The game went by pretty quick. In my opinion, you and Martin played great but the team still lost only by a few points. Kaia, Bia, Jason, and I went outside to wait for you and Martin as the game ended. When the both of you, finally, came out of the locker room, we all headed to Bubba's. Even with a car of my own, I still hopped in your car and we made our way to Bubba's.

We sat in our usual booth with the same seating arrangement. We talked about what we were doing over Christmas break and informed you guys about the Christmas plan. The night, eventually, comes to an end as we all split up to drive home. You drove me back to school, so I could drive home.

"I think we need to talk about what happened, Theo," I say as you park your car next to mine.

"Talk about what?"

"Don't play dumb, Theo," I sighed as I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to face you.

You unbuckle your seatbelt as well, but didn't say anything as you turned to face me. After a few moments of just silence, you quietly said, "I don't know what to say, sweets." I too didn't know what to say. I was never put in this situation at all. I was never so close yet so far from someone like this before. We sat in silence again, just looking at each other. No words were said, just us and music quietly playing through your stereo.

"Why'd you say that I'm your girl, Theo?" I ask, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Because you are. You are my girl, sweets," you responded without any hesitation.

"Stop calling me Theo. I'm your Rooster, your Roos."

"It's your name, Roos," I smiled as you shook your head with a quiet chuckle.

"You're my girl, Athena Le. Well, only if you want to be," you quietly stated as you softly looked at me.

I didn't answer right away. I just simply look back at you and your blue-ish gray eyes. The same blue-ish gray eyes that made me feel like I was the most special person in the world.The blue-ish gray eyes that I love so much. I just kept looking into your blue-ish gray eyes as you started to fidget with my lack of a response to your question.

At this moment, I realized that they were right. Our friends knew how we felt for each other. They wanted to push us together but also didn't want to make us feel like we had to. Ryan was right, you do like me. Bia was also right, I do like you too.

It was also at that moment that I realized that the 'maybe one day' is now and that someone is you. I want to be loved by you. I want to exchange loving whispers with you. I want to feel the immense love that radiates from our friends with you. I want you to look at me like I hung up the stars and moon like the way Jason looked at Kaia. I want you to be so enamored with me like Martin was with Bia. I want the little things that came along with the love our friends had for each other with you. I want you.

"Only if you want to be my boy, Theo Schuster."

"That's all I want to be," you say with a soft smile.

A lot could happen in just a few minutes. In just a few minutes, I may have given you a heart attack with my silence. In just a few minutes, we became each others' person. In just a few minutes, we kissed. Boop and done. A quick, soft kiss as we smiled at each other. A lot did happen in just a few minutes and I don't regret a minute of it. 

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