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THE birthday party was in full swing and everyone already had a few drinks in them. lennon was throwing them back, knowing she'd regret it in the morning, but quite frankly not caring.


there was music blaring from every part of her house, the house was so loud. luckily, she didn't have any neighbours because if she did, she'd be in deep shit.

olivia had brought austin, which didn't surprise lennon because she had a feeling she would. apparently, he hadn't shut up about her all week.  two days ago they had finished filming.

"grace, where've you been slag?!" lennon screamed over the music when she saw her sister enter the house, holding her boyfriends hand.

"you don't wanna know." she smirked, kissing jacobs cheek.

"never mind - drinks are in the kitchen!" she told the couple. they immediately headed for the kitchen.

"lennon, dance with me!" olivia yelled at her friend, holding out her hand. the blonde was dancing on top of the kitchen table, entertaining austin, who was stood watching her.

olivia pulled lennon up and they danced together, to best song ever by one direction. they acted out all the words perfectly, but it would be a bit embarrassing if they didn't because their actresses.

"great show, girls." austin snickered when the two jumped down. lennon stumbled a bit, landing into his chest.

"im so sorry." she muttered, touching his chest.

she touched his chest, ew.

"y'alright, trouble?" he smirked, letting out a soft chuckle as he looked down at her. she realised that she was still in his arms.

that's a new one.

"y-yeah." she nodded awkwardly, pulling back.

"oh my god, calum's on a keg!" olivia yelped, running over to their dark haired friend, who was in the living room.

"so how's the birthday girl? enjoying life?" austin asked her, as she walked into the kitchen to grab another drink. he followed after her.

"twenty is great," she said sarcastically, "joking, i don't feel any different."

"that's normal," he laughed, "you look stunning though."

"thank you," she tried to hide the obvious blush that had formed on her cheeks, but he could still see it. "a drink?"

"please," he nodded, leaning against the counter as he watched her make the drinks, "can you be trusted with drinks?"

"probably not," she shrugged, pouring alcohol into a cup for him, "i don't know what this is."

she handed him the drink and they clinked their cups together, before taking a sip of the drink, both immediately spitting it out in the sink.

they erupted in laughter and looked at eachother.

"i think you should stick to the music." he laughed.

"bummer, really wanted to take up being a bartender." she fake pouted, crossing her arms over her stomach.

"you're too talented to be a bartender." he said.

"you're too kind." she giggled.

"it's true," he nodded, "i'm sorry about what my friends said the other night. i haven't talked to them since."

"it's fine, really. happens a lot anyway." she let out a dry laugh.

"it's not. i hate men that put women down." he said seriously.

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