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the doctor paused, taking a closer look at the screen. she moved her gaze to lennon, who began to worry.

"congratulations guys, you're expecting twins!" she exclaimed, watching as lennon smacked her hand over her mouth.

"you're joking." austin's eyes widened. the doctor pointed to the two blobs on the screen and he took lennon's hand.

"oh my god." she gasped.

"my grandma was a twin." he snickered, knowing that it was his genes that made this happen.

"you could've told me that before getting me preggers maybe?" she joked.

"you guys will have your hands full." the doctor laughed, wiping the gel off of lennon's stomach.

"don't remind me." lennon sighed, running her hand through her hair. austin leaned down and planted a kiss to her stomach, before she pulled her shirt down.

she grinned and he kissed her forehead.

after the doctor they got a taxi to the eiffel tower, which wasn't too far away. they shrugged off their coats and used them to sit on in the park.

"we're really doing this, huh?" lennon mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder.

"doing what?" he asked.

"having twins, i mean." she whispered, almost scared someone would hear it.

"it's crazy - just under a year ago, i was lonely in some random australian bar filming elvis, where i met the love of my life. now, look at us, we're in such a good place right now."

"hold on- the love of your life?" she looked up at him, noticing how his cheeks began to heat up.


"this is so weird to say, because i mean, i'm still young but, you're the love of my life." she nodded.

"i love you." he grinned, kissing her passionately. she kissed him back and felt a warm hand on her stomach as they continued to kiss. "and i love my beautiful babies too."

"we love you, austin." she mumbled into the kiss, making him fall harder, which was impossible.

"i don't know what i did to deserve you, but all i know is that you're my biggest achievement."

"not even elvis?"

"no. not even elvis."

"you're crazy." she shook her head.

"only for you baby." he winked sarcastically, making her face twist with disgust.

"never say that again." 

"let's go to disney land." lennon said as they walked past a disney shop, "it's not too far away."

"are you sure? there's always tomorrow."

"no austin, we're going today." she laughed.

"fine." he groaned, acting annoyed but she knew he was deep down excited.

the two caught a taxi and drove straight to disney land, where they bought tickets and headed straight in.

they walked around for a while, buying lots of food as they explored. lennon made austin get pictures with the characters with her, which he happily done because the smile on her face was precious.

they ended up in the gift shop, buying mickey mouse ears. as lennon made her way up to pay, austin drifted off to another part of the shop.

after paying, lennon placed the ears on her head and looked around for him, shortly finding him at the baby clothes, smiling like an idiot.

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