twenty eight

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IT WAS one in the morning and the two were cuddled up on his couch watching the second twilight movie. there was an extreme sense of deja vu between the two, as it had been one of the first things they had done together.

she had her head resting on his chest and his fingers were running through her hair. their legs were tangled together.

"my favourite character is alice," lennon mumbled into his chest, "reminds me of gracie."

"mine is charlie," austin told her quietly, "reminds me of my dad."

"that's so cute." she giggled softly.

when the movie had finished, they decided that they were done watching tv, so they moved to the kitchen.

lennon was sat on the counter, swinging her legs while austin scanned the fridge.

"why's there like no food in your house?" she asked, watching him take random stuff out of the fridge.

"i've been eating in restaurants and stuff a lot lately." he shrugged, finding a bar of chocolate at the back of the fridge.

"yum, give me some." lennon's eyes lit up when she saw the chocolate bar, immediately reaching her hands out.

he split the bar in half and handed it to her.

"so.. how's the album going?" he asked while still chewing on a square of chocolate.

"it's going really well actually, and i have three songs finished already." she said, shoving another piece into her mouth.

"will you play one for me?"

"i don't know.." she looked at her hands, before looking up at him, only to see his best 'puppy dog eyes'


"fine." she groaned, jumping down from the counter.

quickly thinking of one of the songs, she sat down at the piano, remembering the keys. austin sat down on the couch, waiting for her to start. 

"they say it's a matter of time, a thousand days and the sun won't shine, before i come back to you," she started, focusing on the keys.

"and i'm happy, nothings going to stop me, i'm making my way home, i'm making my way.."

"for your love i will go far, i wanna be wherever you are, i know i'm coming back for you,"

"our love is a river long, the best right in a million wrongs, i know i'm coming back for you.."

"and i'm happy, nothings going to stop me, i'm making way way home, i'm making my way.."

"i go solo, oh i go solo, i'm making my way home, i'm making my way,"

"i go solo, oh i go solo, i'm making my way home, i'm making my way."

she stopped playing, resting her hands in her lap before turning to meet his gaze, which was dumbfounded.

"that was fucking amazing." he breathed out before cracking a smile. she grinned.

"thanks, i uh, literally finished it yesterday."

"it's incredible, blue, gonna go viral." he nodded.

"bit embarrassing if it doesn't." she snickered.

"olivia dejonge? uhm hello?" lennon shouted as she entered her friends house, carrying their lunch.

she walked into the kitchen and placed the food on the counter, along with her keys and phone.

obviously, she was slightly concerned because one, the front door was open, and two, olivia was no where to be seen.

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