epilogue (two)

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HAVE you ever gotten that feeling when you're so happy that you could literally break down and sob? lennon had that feeling as she was walking down the aisle, holding eye contact with the man she was about to marry and linking arms with her dad.

austin stood at the alter, tears flooding down his face, watching his bride smile widely at him.

if you had told him two years ago, when he thought he had lost her forever, that he would be marrying her? he wouldn't believe it.

olivia, grace and ashley, austin's sister, stood on one side of the alter, each holding a small bouquet of gorgeous flowers in their hands. calum, jacob and his childhood friend ben, were stood behind austin.

there was only forty people in the small church, as the couple only wanted a small wedding unlike many other celebrities. the wedding was in lennon's childhood village, which was really sweet because she thought austin would want to have it in america.

lennon kissed her dad's cheek when they reached the top of the alter, turning her head to lock eyes with austin, grinning like an idiot. he took her hand and helped her up the step, leading her in front of him.

the priest started the ceremony, doing the normal speech, then talking about how he had baptised lennon and made her communion. they all laughed for a while until the priest started again.

austin was told to start first with vows, opting to just go with the traditional ones because they agreed to say their personal vows to each other later, when it was just them.

"i, austin robert butler take you, lennon blue brady, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death."

lennon went next, repeating the same words with a fat smile on her lips. ellie then ran up the aisle with both rings, excitedly handing them up to the priest.

austin slipped a ring onto lennon's finger and vice versa. the ceremony ended shortly after that, the two making a huge exit, with austin carrying her, quite literally, bridal style out of the church.

they took pictures outside by themselves on a film camera, since they didn't hire a photographer, and then took pictures with their families near the flowers.

everyone was sat down at the different dinner tables that filled the ballroom, listening to lennon's grandad ramble on about her life through the microphone. she couldn't contain her laughs as she listened to him.

her dad walked up to the stage to stop him, taking the microphone away to say his speech.

"i met lennon.. when she was four months old, myself and lisa had been fostering grace for a few months and had gotten a call that a new baby was born, grace's baby sister."

everyone let out "awhs" making grace and lennon cringe at the story, but it was nice to hear their dad speak about them without shouting for once.

"we always knew lennon was born to be a star, since she said her first word it was in perfect pitch," he laughed softly, "lennon got her first guitar and she was flying with it, learning songs daily."

"then she joined the band when she was sixteen and we all loved it, even though she had to move away so young. then they got offered to open for 5 seconds of summer and we were over the moon, that our little girl was a rockstar."

"lisa of course got sick, but she never stopped supporting lennon with her music, streaming every song, watching every video, you name it. lennon was always by her side.

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