twenty four

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lennon yelled from the other side of the stage as max ran away from her with the last chocolate bar in his hand. she quickly ran after him, jumping off the side of the stage to try catch him. it was too late, the chocolate was gone and there was an empty feeling in her heart.

she frowned, "oh."

"bye bitch." max winked sarcastically, placing the wrapper in her hands and running away. he knew better than sticking around, because no one wants to come across an angry lennon.

"motherfucker." she muttered, giving him the dirtiest look as he ran away.

the empty stadium was peaceful, and with every step she took, an echo was heard.

the band were playing madison square garden tonight, and there was that familiar buzz back within the band, compared to how it was a few months ago, when their guitarist was heartbroken.

it took a massive toll on the band, even if fans didn't notice it. no one noticed the way lennon was staring into space while playing her chords, or how her eyes were glassy when she sung.

but it was fine now.

she strolled back stage, finding the boys in the dressing room, eating pizza.

she sat down beside vinnie on one of the leather couches and leaned over for a slice of pizza.

"so.. i heard about you and austin. how's that going?" zac asked, shoving the last bit of his slice into his mouth.

"it's good. we text the odd time but nothing much, seen as how he has a russian spy of a girlfriend." she told them.

"she's that bad?" vinnie cocked a brow.

"yeah. she has to go every where with him."

"she obviously doesn't trust him then, at all." max nodded, taking another slice of pizza.

"uh huh," she agreed, "apparently, he's coming to the show tonight with olivia. so, kaia will probably join."

"we'll have to be on our best behaviour tonight then, boys." vinnie laughed, patting zac's back.

"we always are." max acted shocked.

"no we're not." zac shook his head. 

"i'm the only mature one out on that stage." lennon cut in, making all the boys turn their heads to her, in sync.

"you stage dived at the last show, lennon." vinnie deadpanned, giving her a look.

"okay fair enough." she crossed her arms over her stomach and leaned back into the couch. "so.. we playing video games tonight?"

"if that's okay with you. the fans are dying to hear it live, and now that you're back talking to austin.." zac trailed off as vinnie put his hands in a begging gesture.

"okay fine." she rolled her eyes, "but that's so awkward guys, he's gonna be here."

"that doesn't matter, we sing songs to our girls every day." max shrugged.

"that's so different. i'm not with austin." she said.

"but you were." zac pointed at her, winking.

"he won't mind, lennon, don't worry." vinnie smiled at her reassuringly. "and if he does, then he can politely leave."


"msg! how are we feeling out there tonight?!" max said into his mic, watching the crowd go wild. they were half way through the concert, and it was insane.

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