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HARRY STYLES was one thing that lennon was passionate about, ever since she seen him on the x-factor in 2010, when she was the ripe old age of eight.

over the two years lennon has been in the spotlight the two have grown fond of each other, in a sibling type of way. he's her older brother.

as lennon stands in her colourful outfit, waiting for austin, she looks around the stadium. it was massive.

"h! what the hell, congrats!" she jumped when someone tapped her shoulder. it was harry, who had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"thank you, i'm thankful you're here!" he beamed, hugging the younger girl tightly. "who'd you bring?"

"don't tell anyone but..." she started, looking around to make sure no one was around, "austin is on his way."

"what! that's great, lennon." harry smiled.

"i know, he's great." she nodded, a small smile appearing on her lips when she spotted the actor walking over to her.

"aye! austin!" harry yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth, "you better treat her well mate!"

"harry! we're not a thing yet, you fucker!" lennon cursed under her breath.

"hey trouble," austin wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her. "you look great."

"not a thing, huh." harry raised a brow, chuckling at the two. "i'm harry."

"i'm austin. big fan." austin nodded at him, shaking his hand.

"well lovebirds, i gotta go." harry told them, waving as he walked off.

"break a leg, h!" lennon screamed after him.

"don't i always?!" he called, disappearing down the hallway. lennon turned back to austin and grinned.

"thanks for coming," she said, walking closer, "i appreciate it."

"well, i did say i would." he laughed, kissing her forehead. "i couldn't leave my favourite girl hanging."


"what did you say?" she stopped in her tracks, replaying the sentence again, and again.

"my favourite girl?" he cocked a brow, not understanding what she was getting at. her lips turned upwards.

"do you mean that?" she asked.

"of course i do, lennon," he said simply, "i like you."

"you do?" she tilted her head. he nodded. "i like you, butler."


the two sang together as they watched harry preform on stage. lennon has his whole set memorised, as she has seen him that many times. austin, however, didn't have a clue what  was going on but nonetheless, still sang along.

he would take lennon by the hand and spin her around, or pull her into his chest. 

when she came on, the two yelled the lyrics at the top of their lungs, earning looks from many different people. they didn't care, they were happy and that's all that mattered.

"lennon," austin yelled over the music, catching her attention. "i have a question."

"shoot." normally, she wouldn't talk to anyone at a concert, she would stare at the stage, but right now, her focus was on austin, and nothing else.

"would you uhm-" he stuttered, scratching the back of his neck, "what i'm trying to say is-"

"it's just me." she sent him a reassuring smile, which comforted him.

"would you want to be my girlfriend?"

she didn't even have to hesitate. they both knew the answer.

"y-yes, of course!" she giggled, placing her hands on both sides of his face and kissing him, very passionately.

neither of them thought of the consequences of that kiss, almost forgetting they were in public. but they didn't really care.

"i'm you're girl." she mumbled in between kisses, overjoyed with the question.

"you're my girl." he nodded, hugging her as tight as he could, as if she would drift away.



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liked by harrystyles and 10,575,586 others

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liked by harrystyles and 10,575,586 others.

lennonblue style is the answer to everything

username WHO IS TGAR

username WHAT

florencepugh cutest x
lennonblue 🤍

username oh

harrystyles ❤️❤️
lennonblue love u h

username awh

calumhood come to a 5sos concert next x

zendaya ahhh 😍😍
lennonblue 🤍🤍

kaiagerber omg 🥰🥰
lennonblue love u girl

zacdawson this is cute
lennonblue i know.

gracebrady IM CRYING
lennonblue 🥰🥰

austinbutler my girl
lennonblue your girl 🤍

username NAHHH

username HES MINE.

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