fifty seven

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AUSTIN'S father had flown over to los angeles to finally meet his grandsons after not being able to meet them when they were born.

lennon and olivia were leaving the next day so lennon was making sure to spend lots of time with the twins. she felt guilty for leaving them but austin was a good dad, he knew what to do.

"good to see you again, lennon." austin's dad hugged lennon immediately when he seen her in the living room.

"meet your grandsons!" she exclaimed, smiling to the older man. lennon handed him leon while austin held auden.

"here wait, let me get a photo." she said, finding her camera on the couch and taking several pics of the four boys.

"they look just like you, aus. are you sure you didn't just clone him lennon?" he laughed, staring at leon and auden's features.

"i know, everyone keeps saying that." she giggled. austin watched her as she laughed, loving the way her face scrunched up when she did.

"i'll leave you boys to it, have fun lads. lovely to meet you again, mr butler." she grinned, hugging him again.

she left the room and went upstairs to pack her suitcase for spain, while austin and his dad stayed downstairs.

"i can't believe you lost her," his dad said quietly, looking at the stairs to make sure she wasn't there. "i mean.. she's beautiful, has the nicest personality and gave you two beautiful children? were you on crack?"

"i think i was. i'm just so stupid and i can't do anything about it now because she's caught up with this richarlison guy now."

"i don't know what to say son, this is the consequences of your actions.." he muttered.

"trust me, i know. the look on her face when i came home that night literally breaks my heart every day."

"you just need to show her that you've changed, take care of the twins and help her around the house and then when it feels right, say how you feel. don't pressure her though, but i know that if you show her how you have changed she'll forgive you because the way she looked at you just there.. she still loves you austin."

"i really really hope so." he sighed.

"don't stress it, aus."

"i think the f1 is on the tv at the minute, want to watch it?" austin suggested, reaching to her the remote. auden squirmed in his arms but soon fell back asleep.

"you did good austin," his dad mumbled suddenly, "but win her back, would you?"

"i'll try dad."


@lennonblue | blue 🫂
just realised my children are WHITE AMERICANS???? how do i reverse this curse.

replying to lennonblue
they have a bit of spice in them x

replying to lennonblue
oliviadejonge | liv 💞

replying to oliviadejonge
lennonblue | blue 🫂

lennonblue | blue 🫂
i'm moving back to ireland and raising these little nepo babies as irish kings in a literal gaeltacht and no one can stop me x

replying to lennonblue

replying to lennonblue
gracebrady | gracie 🤍

gracebrady | gracie 🤍
mr farrell from primary will knock a bit of sense into ur little american kids xx

replying to gracebrady
lennonblue | blue 🫂
omg what a king slapping us with his ruler when we were messing 😍😍🙌🙌

replying to lennonblue
pause. he SLAPPED you for being bold?!

replying to username
lennonblue | blue 🫂
irish catholic school things xx

replying to lennonblue
swear they stopped doing that in the 90s

replying to username
lennonblue | blue 🫂
tell mr farrell that x

short little filler chapter lol xx

might i add that irish primary schools are elite nothing can top them especially when there's only like three people in your class missing primary days 🙏🙏

ALSO ARGENTINIA FOR THE WIN !! 🇦🇷 i think i said the hail mary and our father more times tonight then i have in my life 😭😭


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