twenty two

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THE MET GALA was today and lennon was a mess, she might not look it, but she was. her hair and makeup was done, but inside she couldn't of hated herself anymore.

the car pulled up to the venue and her car door was opened, the drivers hand was held out for her to take. taking one deep breath, she got out and was greeted by screaming fans.

she quickly faked a smile and walked over to them, making sure they didn't notice how sad she was. they took pictures with her and asked her questions, until it was time to go inside.

lennon, zac, vinnie and max were supposed to walk the carpet together, but they decided not to go in the end, leaving lennon by herself, with no one to talk to, except olivia but she was stuck with you know who, and lennon wasn't going over.

the cameras all flashed in her face, taking photos of her face and dress. it was a bit overwhelming, to be honest, and it's not like you're trained to do something like that.

she moved down the carpet slowly, catching sight of olivia, who was taking pictures with the rest of the elvis cast.

lennon swore she could've gotten sick.

austin was there beside olivia, laughing at what the interviewer had said, and then his hand was reached out and he pulled kaia into his chest.

it's almost as if lennon had forgotten the cameras were there, watching her every move, because in those few seconds she just stood and stared at the two with a small frown upon her lips.

and he looked right back at her, his mouth slightly agape as he took her in. she was perfect, the way her hair was perfectly straightened, the way her tan skin looked under the bright lights and the way her dress hugged her figure perfectly, complimenting her curves.

he was annoyed, not at her, but at himself, because she couldn't believe that he had let her slip through his fingers.

but he also had kaia, who was beautiful. she was a model, for gods sake. what more could you want?

"austin, are you alright baby?" kaia whispered to him as they took photos from different angles together.

"y-yeah. i'm fine. perfect." he nodded, tightening his grasp on her waist.

that didn't go unnoticed by lennon as she passed by, on her way to olivia. she still had that stupid smile on her face, that really wasn't convincing at all.

"ms brady! look at you girl," olivia gasped as she seen her best friend, "woah."

"christ, you're stunning, liv." lennon grinned, kissing her friends cheeks.

"i try." she flicked her hair back sarcastically, making lennon chuckle. "so anyway... i've created a plan so you guys don't have to interact the whole night."

"that's good, thank you," she nodded, looking back at him, "he looks happy, which is all that matters."

"believe me, blue, he hasn't been himself since you guys split. he still loves you."

"yeah." she sighed.

"anyway, are you ready to get shitfaced?!" olivia winked, taking lennon's hand in hers and walking them off the carpet.

"fuck yeah." 

heya girlies x

short chapter but the next one will be the after party so GET READY

anyway love u x


(guilded glamour)

(guilded glamour)

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