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IT WAS christmas eve, and everyone was so excited. even though lennon and grace were way past their santa years, christmas was still so exciting and they loved waking up to see what they had got each other.

lennon was sat on the end of her double bed, typing up her shoes. they were all going to see the lights in the local town, with lennon and grace's older brother.

of course, everyone was already in the car, except for lennon. she grabbed her coat before leaving and locked the door behind her.

"da, there's not enough space," lennon looked at her da who shrugged.

"we'll make fucking room then." he said.

"c'mere," austin nodded, holding his hands out to grab her waist. he pulled her in so she was sat on his lap. "that okay?"

"yep." she nodded. "you're such a little bitch grace, you have a car here and you still want da to drive you."

"uhm excuse me? climate change?" grace said.

"right." lennon rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her stomach to seem like she was annoyed. "oh my god, it's michael!"

"michael! micky!" grace rolled down the window and began screaming at the man.

"come over here!" lennon yelled. he walked over to the car and peered into it, waving at austin and jacob before speaking.

"the rockstars finally back? never thought i'd see the day."

"is that a ring i see? micky how could you?" lennon scoffed, looking at his finger.

"oh yeah, the misses is at home." he winked.

"ah here, sarah won't be happy hearing that. you were her first shift." grace touched her heart.

"she knows, nearly reefed me around the gaff," he laughed, "oh, hi mr brady."


"anyway, i'll see yous later. merry christmas!" michael smiled.

"who was that?" austin asked.

"michael." grace deadpanned.

"he was our cousins first shift." lennon explained, making her da raise his brows from the drivers seat.

"you never told me that-" her da started, but was cut off by jacob.

"a shift?"

"like kiss, but with tongue." she winked.

"oh." the two men said, looking at each other and nodding.

they arrived in the two and parked the car, walking over to the town square where they were getting ready to light the tree.

"if it isn't hollywood's biggest stars," someone chuckled from behind them. they turned to see their older brother, jack.

"jack!" grace yelped, running into her brothers arms. lennon followed after.

jack was the first child that john and erin had together. after trying for years to have another child, they adopted grace and lennon.

"heya rockstar." jack laughed, patting lennon's head. "austin, i've heard tons about you lad."

"same here. great to finally see you." austin laughed, shaking his hand.

"and my long lost brother, where've ya been jacob?!" jack grinned.

their dad walked off to find out what time they were lighting the tree at, and the others sat down on the curb.

soon enough, jack's wife and daughter arrived.

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