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"AUSTIN, i'm really trying my hardest here but auden won't go down and he's waking leon up and everyone on this stupid plane hates me, who's fucking idea was this anyway-"

"blue, just give me the baby.." austin said calmly, taking auden from her, through the small gap between their beds, to attempt to calm the nearly four month old down. "hi big guy, will you please go to sleep? you're making your mom real stressed right now."

and of fucking course it worked.

"i hate you." she mouthed as the baby closed his eyes. the blonde shrugged and smirked.

"i'm just better than you, i guess.."

"no you're not." she rolled her eyes, kicking his leg.

"you're right, i'm not."

the two shared her airpods the whole fourteen hour flight there, listening to her play list because he stupidly forgot his when they were rushing out of the house this morning.

they were seven hours in, leon woke up in a good mood and was smiling as he played with his elephant teddy bear. auden was happy too. lennon and austin were currently listening to meet you there tour live by 5sos, because austin begged her to change the songs.

"no because.. why is calum actually a good singer, he sounds so good here." austin said. he had pulled down the divider between their little  beds and they were having a very long conversation about stupid topics.

"i toured with them for a whole year, on this particular tour and every night i was stunned because he sounds so different."

then they got onto the topic of what they would do in australia, because they didn't have a clue. all they knew was that they had to bring the twins to the party because they had no one to babysit, sadly, so lennon wouldn't be able to drink because she'd have two little shits on her hip the whole night.

"i miss the old me." she sighed quietly, genuinely feeling sad about it, because she knew that she had changed in the past few months.

"what do you mean?" he asked her, because to him she was still the same old lennon.

"i mean like, i used to go to parties and jump over bars to get bottles of wine, i used to smoke fags on balconies in paris, i did it all. and yes i'm still only twenty one but i'll never get that back you know?" it has never occurred to austin how much she had sacrificed for him and her family. "and i feel so guilty saying that because in return i got two beautiful babies but i just.. i don't know."

"lennon, listen to me, things are just different, that doesn't mean you've changed. you can still drink and smoke right? to a certain extent of course, but all i'm saying is you're still the same lennon i met that night in australia."

"you're right. you know what i'll do? i'll buy a box of fags and smoke them all-"

"that's not what i said, at all." he hit her shoulder softly, watching as she got out of her sad bubble and started to laugh.

"you're a d-i-c-k, you know that right?"

"trust me, i try my best only for you lennon." he winked, making her groan and cover her face.

"and you wonder why we're not together anymore? when you act like that?"

"excuse you? i'm so sexy." he rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his heart dramatically to act as if he was annoyed at her.

"i cant disagree with that one, to be fair." she shrugged.

"that's what i thought."

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