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IT HAD been two weeks since the party and proposal and everything was back to normal. jacob and austin had flown back to america together a few days before the two girls, giving them alone time with their dad.

grace was still shocked over the engagement and had made it her personality. to say lennon was sick of her would be an understatement.


lennon was in the studio with zac, max and vinnie, recording the song that she had wrote for austin. they had came up with the name video games and all four of them were in love with it.

austin was extremely proud of her, and loved watching her sing for him. he would beg her to every night when they were in bed, like a lullaby.

everything was going so well for everyone.

everyone was happy.

until, yet again, another article was released.

the article was titled "AUSTIN BUTLER, LENNON-BLUE BRADY AND KAIA GERBER: LOVE TRIANGLE OF OUR GENERATION?" which was completely ridiculous, because austin wouldn't cheat.

he wouldn't. he wouldn't. right?

she didn't want to get upset over it, because she knew it was a rumour and she trusted austin. but it was also the second time an article like this had came out and it was worrying her.

he wasn't going to come over to her house that night because he was going out with his friends, which was normal, he was a popular person. so she just sat on the couch and watched twilight, for the millionth time.

and for fucks sake, what happened? yeah, another stupid picture came out of austin and kaia fucking gerber.

that was when she had enough. she wasn't normally an emotional person, but something had just came over her and she just sat on her bathroom floor and sobbed, uncontrollably.

what hurt even more was that he didn't call, or text like he normally would to say goodnight, he even does that when he's black out drunk. but he didn't.


there was a knock on the front door, and lennon looked at it, contemplating opening it. would it really be that bad if it was a murderer? yes it would, but she wasn't thinking the same. she had nothing going for her at the minute.

after a good thirty seconds of staring at it she opened it, revealing austin on the other side.

"angel- i'm so sor-" he started, looking distraught. there were bags under his eyes and he had gone pale.

"yeah, yeah. come in." she sighed, moving to the side to let him in. he awkwardly walked in and turned around, finally taking her appearance in.

she didn't look like herself at all.

"you look-"

"gorgeous, i know." she deadpanned.

"yeah." he muttered, looking at his shoes.

"can we just cut the shit here? i know why you're here, austin. so explain yourself before i kick you out." she said, crossing her arms over her stomach.

"i swear to god, lennon, nothing happened between us. nothing. i would never do that to you." he pleaded.

"she was sitting on your lap, austin. you think i'll believe all the bullshit that's coming out of your mouth?" she scoffed.

"lennon- i'm not lying. nothing happened!" he said, trying to stay calm.

"okay." she nodded, leaning against the counter to calm herself down. "you're standing here right now, in front of me, and you can honestly say that nothing happened between you and her?"

"yes." he nodded immediately.

"okay, i trust you."

she didn't really, but she couldn't loose him.

"i love you. not anyone else." he sighed, moving closer to her.

"i know. i love you, but i swear to fucking god, butler, ever pull something like this ever again, and i'm done. you know how upset i was last night? i sobbed on the bathroom floor until u fell asleep." she said seriously.

"yes ma'am." he nodded.



long story short, he lied straight to her face. another photo had came out the next day when they were sleeping in his bed. she had woken up and read the article, seeing the picture of them two kissing in a bar.

great way to start the day.

she grabbed her clothes that were scattered around the floor and took her shoes, immediately leaving the house in tears.

"how could he? how fucking could he?! next time i see that prick i'm delivering a box straight to his perfect fucking face." lennon sobbed over the phone to grace.

"i'll help you. don't even fucking contact him blue, you hear me? don't you dare." grace ranted.

"i won't." lennon mumbled quietly, pulling into her driveway. "i'm home right now, i'll talk to you later, gracie."

"you know i'd fly over if i could, blue. i love you." grace said quietly, nearly starting to cry too.

"yeah, i know. love you." she sniffed as she twisted the key in the door. "bye."

she threw her body onto the couch when she got in, not caring to do anything else. her phone rang and even though she knew who it was, she still answered.

"angel, where are you?" he asked in his morning voice. it nearly made her forgive him.

"home." she said.

"why?" he asked, wondering why she'd just leave the house at eight o clock in the morning without any warning.

"there's another picture, austin. what happened to 'nothing happened between us' huh? or were you talking completely out of your own fucking arse?"

"i'm so sorry. it just happened and- i regret it so fucking much." he whispered.

"well you could've said that the first time, except you lied and made it even worse for yourself."

"angel please-"

"no, go fuck yourself- or even go fuck kaia for all i care." she said angrily.

"don't be stupid lennon," he scoffed at her, "i'm with you, and only you."

"what so was it out off day when you cheated on me?"

"look lennon, it didn't mean anything to me."

"my ass. how about you go fuck with someone your own age, i should've never even trusted you the first time. go fuck with some girl your own age instead of making changes huh?"

"i'm sorry-"

and she hung up the phone.

yes go lennon !! she's actually so iconic

anywayyyy fuck austin xx

LENNONS ENTERING HER REPUTATION ERA AND IM HERE FOR IT !! but don't worry, it'll be short lived lol

stay safe gals, love you xx

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