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january 15th

LENNON had called olivia the day prior, and told her about everything. unfortunately, she wasn't able to fly out due to work and family related problems, but insisted that she'd be there for when the twins were born.

she had felt weird all day and guessed she was going into labour, so she sent austin a text, just to say that she thinks it's happening. he of course, sent millions of texts back. she tried to to be civil and reply nicely.

it was when she was watching tv when her 'water broke' as they say, but she had honestly just thought she had pissed herself, but realised it wasn't that when she thought about it more.

she panicked, because a) she was stupid and went to new york alone and b) again she was alone.

even after everything she hoped austin would come, for the twins of course. not for her, even the thought of him made her want to rip her hair out.

she obviously didn't have a car, because she didn't plan that far ahead, so she booked an uber like the city girl she is.

the one thing she did have planned was a hospital bag, which included lots of snacks.

the driver brought her straight to the hospital and wished her luck. on the way there she rang austin, only to find out he was already on his way.

the nurse brought her immediately into a room and laid her down on a bed.

"you're lennon?" she asked softly.

"yes." she nodded stiffly, feeling the pain already. the nurse started to hook her up to machines and shit.

they figured out she was already five centimetres dilated, which made her heart drop.

austin better hurry his cheating ass up.

"and you're having twins, yes?" the nurse smiled at lennon, earning a nod. "do you know the gender?"

"not yet."

"that's exciting! soon enough you're gonna find out." she nodded.

she was there for a few hours just chatting to the nurse, who's name was linda. there was no sign of austin, and she was already nine centimetres dilated.

"you're nearly there, darling." linda nodded.

the contractions had gotten unbearable for lennon and the fact that she had no epidural made it a hundred times worse.

"is it too late to back out?" she breathed out almost laughing.

"a bit too late, honey."

after a while she was ten centimetres dilated, with no austin by her side. he texted her saying he'd be an hour but that was too late.

the midwife had explained then needed to start or else it would get too dangerous.

so after a long few hours of tears, screams and yells she had her two babies on her chest.

two baby boys.

she had tears rolling down her cheeks as they cried on her chest, and they looked exactly like their dad.

speaking of dad, he ran through the door and seen the sight, immediately bursting into tears as well. lennon wanted to punch him right there and then but realised they were his kids too after all.

"two boys." lennon whispered through tears. "who look exactly like their daddy."

"oh my god," he mumbled, watching the two babies, "you're amazing. thank you so much lennon, i love y-"

"don't." she warned.

the nurse let austin hold the two in his arms, which he obviously accepted. lennon couldn't help but smile, because this was what they were waiting on for nine months, this was their dream.

maybe it wasn't the way they imagined it, but it was still their dream.

and dreams were special.

"what should we call them?" he asked quietly.

"you know what i'm going to say." she chuckled, staring at the boys.

"right." he nodded, letting out a chuckle.

leon aston butler and auden blue butler

awh cute

how do we feel x

i think lennon was just being nice for the sake of the twins but idk 😇 what about the names?! took so long to come up with those lol also did you notice how they have the same initials as their parents?? (kind of)

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