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SHE WOKE up with three new texts from a certain actor, who she didn't even know had her number. was she that drunk last night?

hey lennon

olivia gave me your number

is your head okay?

hi austin

my head is ok thank u x

that's good

you were pretty out of it
by the end of the night

stop it ew

nah you still looked amazing
with smudged makeup :)

dirty bastard

you're too kind

anyway i'm just gonna cut
to the chase here

go on

would you want to get coffee
with me or something?

yes, of course

great is like today fine ??

eleven ?

that's perfect

great, i'll send the address

maisys coffee dock

see you then, butler!

see you later, trouble

"that's so hot." she mumbled, throwing her phone down beside her on the bed. she dragged her hands down her face before screaming into her pillow.

she had an hour and a half to get ready, so she got to it, running into the bathroom to slap some makeup on her face. she only ended up doing concealer, blush, highlight, brows and mascara, only because she didn't want to look desperate.

after getting ready, she sat in the bath. don't ask why, but she did. the girl was so close to crying, she was that nervous.

she sat on the end of her bed and tied up her converse, realising that she really needed new ones.

she left the house and got into her car, the iconic pink cadillac that she was known to drive. everyone went crazy went she bought it first, last year. nearly every time she drives she plays elvis, even before she met austin.

but today she just stuck on her playlist, dark red by steve lacy immediately filling the car.

"honey i belong, with you, only you," she mumbled as she turned off her street, navigating her way to the coffee shop austin had picked.

the cafe seemed to be pretty quiet, which she figured was why he picked it. she parked the car and hopped out, making sure she locked it before heading inside.

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