thirty one

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"CMON GIRL, just come to australia with us, it's no big deal!"

olivia begged the younger girl, shaking her by the shoulders. lennon thought about it for a minute before answering.

"you know what.. i will come." she nodded, standing and pulling her suitcase from under her bed.

"that was way easier than i thought.." olivia laughed, moving to lennon's wardrobe. "i'll get my stylist to pick out some dresses for you for all the premieres."

"thanks girl, this is so exciting!" lennon clapped her hands together, folding the clothes that olivia was throwing out at her neatly into the suitcase.

"so.." olivia started, flinging a thong at her friend.

"so.." lennon mimicked.

"is something going on between you and austin? because i know for a fact that you wouldn't of said yes so quickly if there wasn't.."

"i won't lie to you liv, we're back together." lennon tried to keep a serious face but her lips immediately upturned into a grin.

"shut up!" olivia gasped, turning around and falling to the floor to hug lennon. "i fucking knew it!"

"sure you did.." lennon laughed.

"jesus, this is amazing. i promise i won't tell anyone.. only calum."

"only him." lennon nodded.

"so.." olivia smirked, chucking another shift on lennon's bed. "are you and austin sharing a room then?"

"no shit."

"jesus okay."

"so let's go over the plan once more," lennon stopped everyone at the airport doors, huddling up in a circle. "keep your hoods up, sunglasses on and we'll be fine. calum babe, please don't go buy anything because someone will recognise you and they'll come after us."

"aye aye captain." he grinned, saluting her.

"alright let's so whores." olivia dragged her suitcase with one hand and held calum's hand with the other.

austin threw his arm around lennon's shoulder and guided the two through the crowded airport. of course, they had some bodyguards but he still wanted to protect her.

they made it through security after a while of waiting. they all sat down together and ate while they waited for the flight.

"not sure if i'll fit into a dress if i keep eating this." lennon mumbled, placing a hand on her stomach as she put the sandwich on the table.

"who cares?" olivia shrugged, taking another bite of her sandwich.

"me." lennon gave her a thumbs up.

"now boarding flight 108 to sydney, australia." the intercom announced. the four of them stood up and joined the line of people waiting to board.

"are uggs even in fashion anymore?" olivia furrowed her brows, looking down at her friends feet.

"they are now babe." lennon winked, blowing her a kiss.

"you're way too confident, you know that?" calum joked.

"rather be confident than embarrassed." she shrugged.

they handed their passports to the air staff and were let through to the plane.

finding their seats, they all got comfortable and waited for take off. lennon took austin hand and clasped both her hands over it.

"thanks for bringing me." she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"i'd never leave you behind." he grinned, kissing her forehead.

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lennonblue it's 5 o'clock somewhere right?

username yes sir

username it 11 in the morning..

maxdawson not the cocktails
lennonblue yes the cocktails

gracebrady OLIVIA UR SO SEXY
oliviadejonge THANK U SEXY

username girls !!

jocobelordi in australia yet??
lennonblue another ten hours xx

calumhood SHES SO HOT
lennonblue ...

username calum?!

username what was that calum ???

austinbutler she thinks she's cool
lennonblue SHE IS COOL.

username no seriously are they together or what
lennonblue friends.

username huh sure

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