fifty eight

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LENNON and olivia had arrived in spain a few hours ago, and had spent their first few hours exploring the hotel and city. lennon had revived a text from richarlison asking her to meet him at his air bnb, that he was sharing with a few of the other players.

the girl accepted the offer, so now her and olivia are running around their hotel room to get ready.

"heels or no?" lennon held up a heel in her hand, showing to to olivia. the older girl shook her head.

"no, wear something comfy like.. converse?" she told her, earning a nod from lennon. she fetched her white converse out of her suitcase and slipped them on, tying the laces.

"did he even say what we're doing?" the blonde asked curiously, fixing her hair in the mirror.

"no, all he said was bring a swimsuit so we're swimming, i guess." she shrugged.

"dickhead, now i can't even wear makeup." she scoffed.

"just don't swim, build your tan."

"what tan?" she raised a brow.


lennon knocked on the door of the huge house, waiting a few seconds before richarlison opened the door, a huge smile on his face. he kissed both girls on the cheek and let them in.

"meninos venham aqui!" he shouted down the hall.

the girls were led through the kitchen, heading outside to where the pool was. there was four other guys there, who lennon immediately recognised.

"so, you're the beautiful lennon our dear friend has been talking about.." paquetá snickered, before vini hit his arm.

"sorry about him. he doesn't interact with many women, especially women as beautiful as you-" vini started, receiving a glare from richarlison.

"shut up vini." he rolled his eyes.

"i'm just confused because how have you managed to pull her.." neymar raised a brow.

"richi is unreal what are you on about neymar?" lennon said.

"well anyway, i'm olivia." the blonde introduced herself, hugging the four men.

"i'm raphinha." a dark haired man smiled.

"will we go get changed?" olivia asked lennon, receiving a nod. the two girls walked back inside and headed to the bathroom.

they were taking pictures in the mirror when someone yelled for them to hurry up. lennon knew it wasn't richarlison but guessed it was one of the other guys.

they went back outside and all the guys couldn't help but check them out, eyes wide as they stared.

immediately both girls were in the pool, testing to see who could stay underwater the longest.

"who stayed under the longest?!" lennon asked richarlison, who was now also in the pool. olivia had claimed that she had won.

"hundred percent you." he nodded. olivia tried to figure out what he had said, but couldn't understand for the life of her.

"what does that even mean!"

"it means, i won fucker!" lennon stuck her tongue out at the blonde, but olivia grabbed her head and dunked it under the water.

"you only said that because you want to fuck her." she shook her head at richarlison.

"shut up." lennon said.

richarlison was walking the girls out to their car, with his arm wrapped tightly around lennon's waist.

olivia had already got into the car, but the other two were still outside the car.

"i'll see you at the game?" he asked her as he held her close to his chest.

"i'll be there." she smiled.

"meet me after the game and we can go somewhere." he told her, running his hand over her hair.

"like where?" she cocked a brow.

"it's a surprise." he shrugged.

"no fun."

"i'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." he grinned, planting a kiss on her forehead. she kissed his cheek and pulled away.

"have a good sleep, you'll need it!" she laughed, walking towards the car.

"come on lovebirds, pack it up!" olivia yelled from inside the car.

"bye olivia!" richarlison gave her a thumbs up to which she replied with a shake of her head.

"bye pidgin boy." she rolled her eyes.

lennon turned around quickly and looked at him again before waving and getting into the car with a smile.


liked by lennonblue and 956k others

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liked by lennonblue and 956k others.

oliviadejonge 📍somewhere in spain

username hot

username mommy???

calumhood babe come home i miss u
oliviadejonge i'm back in two days !!

username love u

graceelordi fat ass xx
oliviadejonge thanks xx

lennonblue mermaid core x
oliviadejonge 😍😍🙌🙌

username HOT.

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instagram story!

@ lennonblue

don't know if i've mentioned already but when i use ITALICS it means they're speaking in portuguese because i'm too lazy to translate lol xx

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don't know if i've mentioned already but when i use ITALICS it means they're speaking in portuguese because i'm too lazy to translate lol xx

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