twenty three

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LENNON had managed to climb over the back of the bar and pull a bottle of white wine from the counter, without anyone noticing. she shoved in in her dress and walked off quickly, finding olivia.

"oh my god, daya! daya! get over here girl," lennon exclaimed when she seen her friend, waving her over, "your dress!"

"thank you! you look gorgeous!" zendaya complimented, pulling the smaller girl in for a hug. "you look happy, great to see it."

"thank you, i'm getting there." she said seriously, laughing it off.

"you'll get there, don't worry." she winked.

"i will. have you ever met olivia?" lennon asked her, throwing her arm over the blondes shoulder.

"no, but i've heard lots! congrats on the role of priscilla, that's amazing!" zendaya smiled.

"thank you, i love all of your work." olivia blushed, a bit taken a back by zendaya's presence.

"well ladies, i better be going, go get drunk! have fun!" she threw her hands up, walking away to meet other people.

"she's so hot." olivia muttered, taking a swig of the wine from the bottle.

"i agree." 

the two girls walked around the party with linked arms, passing the bottle around when they wanted a drink. they passed austin and kaia, and kaia sent lennon the dirtiest look ever.

"little nepo bitch, how about she works a day in her life?" lennon mumbled to olivia when they were far away from the couple.

"i agree- but austin is my friend so i'm not gonna comment." she shrugged.

"ah! it's dacre!" olivia suddenly shrieked, running away from the brunette. lennon shrugged and made her way to the bar for another drink.

"hey, could i have a vodka cran please?" lennon asked the barman politely, smiling at him.

"yeah, and a glass of wine for me." someone cut in, looking the bartender up and down. lennon turned her head to see kaia standing right beside her. "oh hey."

"hi." lennon nodded at her.

"i think you should go to therapy." kaia deadpanned, catching lennon of guard.

what the actual fuck.

"excuse me?" lennon chuckled, furrowing her brows at the random suggestion.

"i said you should go to therapy," she repeated, "as in, go to therapy because austin has clearly moved on so stop wining bitch."

"are you having a laugh?" she threw her head back laughing, not realising she was being serious.

"i'm dead serious. leave my boyfriend alone, and maybe don't write some shitty songs about him? thanks."

"you can't be for real," she laughed, "i think you need to calm down."

"why would i listen to you?"

"okay don't then. can i just ask, have i ever talked to you before? unless i magically ended up in your house one day and shit talked you."

"no- and it better stay that way. i don't want some slutty bitch going any where near my house." she scoffed.

"what? the house that was handed to you, almost like everything in your life. have you ever been short of money before? ever had to maybe clean up after yourself?"

"no, because i'm not from some shithole of a country."

"that's funny, how about tonight you book an ancestry test and you'll soon find out that you're mostly from ireland."

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