twenty one

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SHE WAS actually loving paris, which she honestly didn't expect at all. yes, she cried herself to sleep every night but it didn't matter because as soon as she stepped outside and saw the eiffel tower, he was gone out of her mind. kind of.

out of sight out of mind.

olivia had booked a flight out to see her and she was staying with her for a week, which made lennon excited. she'd finally have a familiar face around.

it was around eleven am and she was on her morning walk, listening to her own band thrr through her headphones.

speaking of her band, they have a concert next week in paris, which was vinnie's idea. it was going to be huge.

after her walk she sat outside some old cafe and ordered a coffee did breakfast, then pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and smoking it.

didn't she say that she'd be doing this?

it was just peaceful to be alone, and even though she hated being lonely, sometimes it was okay.

she did miss the way his arms wrapped around her when they were sleeping, or the way their lips moulded together perfectly every time they kissed. or the way his voice sounded when he woke up.

but it didn't matter anyway, he was gone, long gone, plus, he had moved on.


she stared at the sky as she drank her coffee and low-key rethought all her life decisions. why the fuck was she in paris?

her head has a full on war for a hood half an hour until she was finished her coffee. she was quite literally going insane. 

but hey, give her a break.

she walked down beside the water for a while, until deciding that she wanted to go shopping. after blowing pretty much her whole bank account she went home. home?

paris was far from home, even though it was amazing, it wasn't home. lennon knew what home was to her, but she'd rather not say.

the walk back to her apartment didn't take long, and by the time she got back it was threee in the afternoon, which was the perfect time for wine.

it's great being an adult.

until you have to pay taxes which-

her rant was cut short when her phone rang from the kitchen counter, making her head whip around. no one had rang her in days, except olivia.

she grabbed her phone and read the name, and got the shock of her life because austin was calling her.

but instead of doing the right thing and ignoring it, she answered.

"ang- lennon, hey." oh how she had missed him soft voice.

"hey." she muttered, holding back sobs. why was she so emotional these days?

"i uhm, i-" he stuttered, trying to form a sentence that felt right. but nothing did, how could you talk to someone after doing them so wrong. that's right, you couldn't.

"we don't need to talk. it's fine-" lennon said quietly, almost a whisper.

she hated it being like this, it wasn't natural.

"i'm sorry, lennon, that's what i wanted to say. and i know it won't change anything because what i did was wrong but, i thought you deserved an apology."

"oh- thank you."

"i think i'll always regret what i did, lennon, because quite frankly, you were too good for me." he said.

"don't say that-"

"it's true, lennon, and you know it is. i just wish i could go back in time and change what i did." he was in tears, showing just how annoyed at himself he was.

"don't cry, austin, please." she whispered, beginning to cry at the sound of his voice. "you'll be okay, kaia's good for you, she's pretty and kind, what more could you want?"

"lennon, you don't understand, she's not you." he confessed softly.


"lennon, she's not you. you're all i want, and i fucking ruined this whole thing because of a drunk mistake."

"i have to go." she rushed out, feeling her chest tightening at every word he said.

"no- no, please don't go" he begged her.

"i have to austin." she said.


they both knew this would be the last time that they'd hear each others voices, the voices that they had took comfort in over the past few months.

"we'll find each other again," she reassured him again, "and it'll be like none of this ever happened."

"you really think so?" he sniffled.

"i do. i'll see you whenever austin."

"bye, ange- uh, i mean, lennon."

love you.


but until then you'll have to bare with me sorry loves

stay safe xx

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