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lennon screamed, storming down her hallway, into the living room where her older sister sat on the couch. lennons smile lit up when she seen her, immediately rushing over to hug her. the younger girl jumped over the back of the couch, falling on top of grace.

"girl i've missed you tons." lennon muttered.

"literally same, i've never missed you." she said, pushing her younger sister off of the couch. "is it just you here?"

"yeah, austin just left, he's gone out for coffee with an old friend." lennon nodded, walking over to the kitchen. "you sadly just missed him, what a bummer."

"a real bummer," grace smiled sarcastically, "jacob's coming over in a few minutes by the way."

"okay," she said, scanning the fridge for food. "do you want food?"

"yeah sure," grace nodded, moving into the kitchen, "if i tell you something you have to promise you won't tell a single soul."

"shoot," lennon nodded, placing the knife she was holding on the counter and turning to grace, "spill."

"i think he's gonna propose soon." she whispered, as if someone was going to hear.

"what!" she gasped, covering her mouth. "why am i even surprised? you've been together like three years."

"exactly, he's been dropping hints for weeks." grace told her.

"dude, the weddings gonna be gorgeous, i'm gonna order a huge cake with your faces on it and it's gonna say jacob plus grace forev- oh her queen!" lennon shrieked when she saw jacob walk through the kitchen door.

"good to see you lennon," he furrowed his brows, "am i missing something?"

"no, nothing." grace smiled sweetly, standing on her tip toes to kiss him, because he's so tall.

"alright then."

grace and jacob had left an hour ago and lennon was sat on her couch, waiting for austin to arrive so they could go to the cinema together. it had been his idea, when they had woke up this morning.

she scrolled through twitter when she finished tying up her shoes, trying to find the latest celebrity gossip.

little did she know.

"what the fuck." she muttered, coming across a new photo of her boyfriend, with another girl. a girl who lennon used to be very close with.

kaia fucking gerber was walking a tad bit too close to her boyfriend. austin could have friends who are girls. she's just overthinking. right? right?

"no, no, no." she turned her phone off and lay back on the couch, crossing her arms over her stomach as she waited for the doorbell to chime.

and she stayed their for two hours, waiting. no call, no text, no i'm sorry. no nothing.

so she went to bed, alone and miserable.

she missed the screening of fucking no way home for this shit. fucking no way home.

she was woken up by someone shaking her, making her groan. she sat up and opened her eyes, seeing austin at the end of the bed. for a split second, she forgot she was upset with him.

"angel, im so sorry." he rushed out.

"it's fine. she's just a friend yeah?" lennon shook it off, staring at him.

"yeah, of course. i love you, remember?" he said seriously, no doubt in his voice.

"okay. i love you," she nodded, "but next time fucking text me, dickhead, you know how upset i was missing dune?"

"again, im sorry." the uncomfortable tension between them was gone, and they were themselves again.

"get into bed with me now, dickhead." she scoffed, patting the space beside her.

i'm so sorry i just can't bring myself to making them hate each other 😭


a christmas chapter will be up soon x


love you x

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