twenty seven

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HE WAS on his couch, watching the tv when she walked into the room, staring at her phone. she looked angry, or worried, he couldn't tell.

"what's wrong?" he asked, muting the tv to hear what she had to say.

"lennon is releasing a song, which will most likely be about us, this is horrible." she stressed, running her hand through her hair.

"why?" he asked.

"she's going to expose us like the bitch she is, austin." she said.

"well.. we deserve it, kaia." he told her.

"what? no we don't austin. she deserved what happened to her, i mean.. you obviously didn't love her enough because you cheated on her with me." she shrugged.

"yeah okay, but you don't need to bring her down."

"why not? she's a bitch austin, who can't keep her fat mouth shut." kaia scoffed.

"cheap coming from you kaia, are you jealous or something? seems like you are."

"why would i be? i'm a model.. and she's a.. what even is she?" she chuckled.

"a successful guitarist that didn't get every thing handed to her?"

"you're my boyfriend, you're not supposed to talk to me like that!"

"you're the one yelling, kaia." he sighed.

"i'm leaving." she said, walking to the door.

"please do and don't come back." he nodded, waving her off.

"dickhead!" she yelled, slamming the door behind her.

he had dodged a bullet.

"lennon, this is your chance girl!" olivia screamed excitedly, flipped her phone around to show lennon the screen.

"actor austin butler and model kaia gerber have called it quits after a short five months together," she muttered under her breath, scanning through the article before continuing, "good for him."

"lennon! this is huge!" olivia said.

"yeah okay? liv, can we remind ourselves what he did to me?" lennon waved her hand in front of her friends face.

"blue, you said you were over that like yesterday."

"yeah, yesterday."

"oh cmon! you want him back!" olivia grabbed lennon's cheeks and smushed them.

"uh huh.." she rolled her eyes.

"fine then, let him slip through your fingers, but don't come crying to me when you're sixty, living by yourself with seven cats."

"oh please, as if." lennon scoffed.

"that's what you say now, but you'll regret it in forty years girl." olivia shrugged.

the thing was, since yesterday, austin and lennon had been texting, only as friends of course but it was still a huge step.

it started off with him congratulating her on her song and her saying thank you, and then it went down the road of kaia walking out of his house and all that stuff.

then they talked and talked until they went to sleep.

"yeah, the movie's premiering at cannes, on the twenty fifth." austin told lennon through her laptop screen.

"i'm so excited, i'm going with olivia." she grinned.

"you never told me that.." he smirked.

"yeah well, it hasn't been the easiest to talk to you lately." she joked.

"yeah, it's been busy." he nodded, letting out a soft laugh.

"the movie is gonna be amazing, i'm buzzing."

"i think it is, but we'll see what you have to say about it, you're very judgmental."

"when have i ever been judgemental?" she scoffed. he thought for a second

"every single day or your life, maybe?"

"austin robert butler! you're getting blocked." she gasped, threatening him.

"please no, please no," he backtracked, "i didn't mean it, i swear."

"sure, sure." she rolled her eyes.

"anyway.." he said, wanting to change the subject, "y'know what i haven't watched in a while?"



"stop same." she nodded, as he made up a plan to see her again.

"come over to my house right now because we're gonna rewatch all of them." he told her.

"it's eleven pm.." she furrowed her brows, showing him the time on her phone.

"yeah, that's fine." he shrugged.

"the things i do for you." she stuck the middle finger up at him and got out of her bed, slipped her crocs on. "i'm coming in my pyjamas."

"ooo very sexy." he whistled sarcastically when she showed him her outfit.

"fuck off." she mumbled, running downstairs and leaving the house.

hate this so much but i'm too lazy to fit it lol



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