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BELIEVE it or not, lennon has never had a boyfriend before austin and it was weird to her. she had never really been that drawn to someone, to the point that she'd want to spend all her time with them, but with austin, it was different.

he made her feel comfortable, always complimenting her and he never ever, made her feel bad about herself.

even though they've only know each other a bit over a month, if felt like years.

"do you wanna do something fun?" lennon asked suddenly, as she ran her fingers through his hair. he turned his head from where he had been resting it on her lap, and smiled.

"what's your idea of fun?" he cocked a brow.

"i don't know, i just asked," she scoffed, sticking her tongue out, "dickhead."

"don't give me cheek," he sarcastically pulled a disgusted face, "joking, but you can give me cheek if you want, if you know what i mean."

"uhm ew?" she pretended to gag, "maybe later."

"you're no fun."

"anyway, i think we need to have a chat about where we go from this," lennon said seriously, nervously tapping her fingers on her thigh. he gave her a confused look, so she continued, "i mean, i'm leaving in two days."

"you might've forgot already, but i'm leaving tomorrow too, angel." he smirked.

"that's so handy actually, oh my god!" she sighed, thanking the lord that they were pretty much leaving at the same time, "so i'll be in la for a two weeks and then i'm in ireland for a while, up until the album release."

"i've always wanted to go to ireland." austin smiled.

"you're welcome to join, i was just going with grace and jacob anyway," she nodded, "it'll be so fun!"

"do any of your family live over there?" he asked her, realising the only thing about her family that he knew was grace.

"yeah, all of them." she told him, playing with his hands.

"will i get to meet them?" he raised an eyebrow.

"of course, but you'll have to prepare because i've never brought a lad home," she said, "except the few i snuck in through the window."

"are you telling me lennon brady snook boys through her bedroom window?" he sarcastically gasped, "how could you?"

"yeah like every week." she deadpanned.

"naughty girl," he chuckled, wiggling his finger in her face, "can i meet your parents?"

"uh- i think that could be arranged." she lied, forcing a smile. he knew someone wasn't right.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

"nothing," she shook her head, giving him a look, "i swear."

"lennon, just tell me."

"you can meet my da, but not my ma because she's dead." she deadpanned.

"oh," he said, not thinking that would be the answer he'd get. "i'm sorry."

"it's grand," she smiled awkwardly, fumbling with a loose string on her shirt, "it was last year."

"i know what it feels like too," he comforted her, "i lost mine as well a few years ago."

"oh my- i'm so sorry-" she gasped quietly.

"don't be. obviously, it's sad, but you learn how to cope and live without them," he smiled sadly, "we'll be fine, lennon."

"just fine." she sighed.

hi hi hi !!!

i'm so sorry this chapter is so short and i apologise!! i PROMISE the next chapter will be longer and more entertaining x

love u xx

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