forty six

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"SHE TOLD me to meet her there, i can't afford a bus fair, i'm not old enough for her i'm still waiting til i'm eighteen!"

lennon and grace sang as they got their makeup done for grace's wedding. they had been so excited for the past week.

"when i was a teenager, i thought i would marry calum hood but now look a me. i'm marrying jacob elordi and one of my closest friends is calum's girlfriend. not to mention that my sister is his best friend." grace laughed.

"same. i had the biggest crush on him." lennon agreed, scrolling through instagram.

"everyone did." it was true, everyone's cheat lane was calum. don't lie.

"i'll never forget the day we were pulled up on stage with one direction. best day of my fucking life that was." lennon said, remembering the day.

"stop it. i was like sixteen." grace laughed. "i held a sign saying, 'can i sing little white lies with you?' and harry seen it."

"and then he was like 'bring your little sister up too!'" she laughed, putting on her best english accent.


"and then i started break dancing." lennon shook her head in disappointment. in her defence, she was thirteen.

"the memes that were made! the memes!" grace wheezed, clutching her chest.

"i'd rather not remember." lennon cringed.

"we will never forget." the older girl winked, looking at her makeup in the mirror. the girls were ready to get changed.

"these dresses are so cute, thank you for not being a bitch and making me look shit." lennon grinned, running her hand down the front of the dress, noticing the small bump. "oh my god! grace look!"

both girls' eyes lit up as the looked at her stomach. grace gasped and grabbed lennon and austin's film camera, starting to film the moment of happiness.

"so it is august seventeenth, my wedding day and look who is making an appearance for my special day!" grace said, showing the tiny bump to the camera. "my two nephews are serving."

"girls! we need to go!" their dad yelled from outside the door, making the two girls look at each other.

"it's time, gracie." lennon smiled, linking hands with her older sister.

their dad covered his agape mouth when he seen his daughter, immediately leaning in to hug her. the three made their way down to the car, where they drove to the church.

"please believe me don't you see the things you mean to me.. oh i love you i love you i love you i love olivia!" they sang on the way.

time must've just stopped when grace entered the church, every head turned, and every set of eyes widened. she looked magical.

jacob started to cry as his bride to be walked down the isle. lennon could've sobbed tears of joy for her sister, which she did.

everyone took their seats as the couple reunited at the top of the alter and the ceremony began.

"i'm craving a vodka cran right now liv, you don't understand." lennon groaned running her hand through her hair.

it was the afters of the wedding, and everyone was so drunk, except for lennon of course.

"i'll drink two for you then babe." olivia smirked, taking a gulp of her drink.

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