fifty three

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THE twins had been on the earth for two weeks now, and what a chaotic two weeks they brought with them.

lennon and the twins were now in LA, because that's where her house is. austin had been around a lot, and had been sleeping in the guest bedroom. she appreciated it.

lennon had managed to sneek out of the house and go to the studio where her producer was waiting for her. she hadn't told austin about the new songs.

they had recorded both songs and finalised the chords and stuff for the background. the producer loved it.

he described it as 'the princess diana revenge dress of the music industry' which made her laugh.

she still wasn't sure if she wanted to release them though, because things had kind of cooled down between her and austin and she knew this would spark more tension.

but like he also did cheat on her several times so you know what? they were being released.

february twelfth was the date for set fire to the rain and then escapism. would be released a while after that.

she opened the front door to the house to see austin asleep on the couch with the twins also asleep in their bassinets.

it was so annoying because he was such an amazing dad but a shitty boyfriend.

she tiptoed past him quietly, trying not to wake him up. she successfully entered the kitchen without waking anyone up.

she turned the kettle on a threw a teabag in her mug, tapping her fingers on the counter as the kettle boiled.

she made her tea and turned around to leave, bumping into austin's chest.

"oh. this is awkward.." her eyes widened, but she still had her hand on his chest. "i'll just.. remove my hand."

she ran out of the room with her mug, going into the sitting room.

she sat down on the couch and propped her legs up, hearing the sound of one of the babies crying.

"little- hi baby!" she said in her baby voice, picking auden up. "are you sleepy?"

and then leon started crying too, so austin helped with him. nothing was working, and both were screaming their hearts out.

"i think we should bring them on a walk to calm them down." lennon whispered to austin, making him nod.

he handed lennon leon, so that she was holding both.

"uh austin!" she whisper shouted, struggling to hold both.

"shit, i'm sorry!" he took the baby back, realising he had just cursed. "i just cursed, what do i do?!"

"shut up!" lennon said.

she went upstairs herself and grabbed both the boys' jackets, going back downstairs and handing one to austin.

they got the twins and themselves ready, placing the twins in their prams.

they were ten minutes into their walk, when austin spoke up. lennon was pushing the pram and he was walking beside her.

"did you ever uh.. continue the video diary?" he asked.

"yeah the cameras under there." she pointed to the basket under the pram.

"can i?" he asked, motioning to take the camera. she nodded.

he started the camera and began filming the babies as they finally slept again. he then turned the camera to lennon where she smiled.

"auden and leon are two weeks old now and they are the cutest babies ever." austin said, filming the twins again. "they love sleeping-"

"and screaming." lennon cut in, laughing.

"yes and screaming," he agreed, "they love their mom, not sure about me.."

"stop that. they only shut up when you're around." she rolled her eyes.

"true," he shrugged, a smirk on his face.

"okay mr big ego.." she scoffed.

"you're just jealous." he stuck his tongue out at her.

she had kind of forgot that she hated him, because he was making it hard to.

they looked like an actual family, an actual couple.

but they weren't.

lennonblue has posted to their story!

lennonblue has posted to their story!

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