fifty six

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"FUCK a shoulder to cry on, i could use a finger to suck on."

lennon said to olivia as she pushed the double pram through the park. the two girls were drinking their coffees and chatting shit about people they hate.

"oh.." olivia nearly choked on her coffee when she heard that. "give richarlison a call then."

"fuck off," she scoffed. "oh my god, babies you did not hear that. i'm sorry."

the two babies just stared up at their mother, scanning the earth around them.

"it's not like they can repeat it.." olivia shrugged. "anyway, how's austin?"

"he's good. we've been set up in his guest room for the past week since we decided the boys should get used to his house as well."

"that makes sense."

"it's so stupid though because one bit of me is like "oh my god, i love you so much richi marry me please" and the other part of me is like "austin i'm sorry i love you!" and i don't know what to do anymore.."


"what?" lennon cocked a brow.

"choose richi. austin's a piece of shit that doesn't realise how good you are until you're gone." she said.

"you're right." she nodded.

"and the only reason you're still in contact with him is because of these two." she said moving her head towards the pram.

"yeah. i shouldn't be worrying anyway, it's not like i'm with richi or anything." she shrugged.

"you will be soon.." olivia cut in.

"you think so? i haven't seen him since the club."

"girl, the way he texts you is so sweet! he's like 'you're so beautiful lennon' every day!"

"you'll make me sob, shut up." she placed her hand on her heart dramatically.

"meet up with him this weekend." olivia suggested.

"he's not in america anymore."

"okay well.. after that." she shrugged.

"brazil are playing spain next week in spain, we could book flights?" she asked. olivia grinned excitedly.

"yes! yes! yes!" she squealed. "what about these two?"

"i mean, we could bring them? would austin be fine with them alone for a weekend?"

"i would love to say yes.. but i'm not sure."

"i ask him later."

"you want to what?" he asked as he made bottles for the boys. he placed the bottle on the counter and turned around, looking at her.

"go to spain with olivia to watch the match. it's only a weekend."

"is this for that richarlison guy? are you two a thing?" he asked sadly.

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