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IT WAS the nineteenth of december and lennon had only got around to decorating her house. she wasn't home enough to do it any earlier than six days before christmas.

she stuck the last bauble on the tree and smiled, taking a picture to send to grace.

she ran upstairs and changed into her pyjamas and threw a jumper over her tank top, before slipping on her ugg boots and getting into her car. her drive to austin's was spent screaming christmas songs at the top of her lungs, scaring many by passers.

grace and lennon were flying out to ireland the next day, for christmas and new years. they two girls had never spent christmas anywhere else but home. it just wouldn't be christmas if it wasn't in ireland.

sure, lennon was sad to leave austin for the holidays, but it was something that had to be done.

"austin hey," lennon called out as she entered his house, when she didn't hear a reply, she walked further in and looked around, "hello?"

then she found him in the kitchen, his back turned so he was facing the stove. his record player was on, elvis's "unchained melody" playing loudly, and he was singing along.

she took a quick picture of him before speaking, "baby, i'm here."

"oh my- jesus you scared me," he breathed out, jumping slightly, "i was just making dinner."

"mhm, smells so good."she nodded, kissing him softly.

"it's nearly ready," he smiled, leaning against the counter, "you excited for christmas?"

"yes, but i don't want to leave you." she frowned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"about that.." he smirked, holding her waist, "i'm coming with you."

"are. you. joking." she said between kisses. he shook his head no and she screamed. "thank you! thank you! thank you!"

"i love you." he kissed her again.

"i love you," she rested her head against his chest, "you're gonna love it. ireland at christmas is superior."

"mhm, i beg to differ." he disagreed, pulling her closer into him.

"no way, america is like so bad compared to ireland," she scoffed, "austin the dinner!"

they both screamed, heads whipping around to see the dinner, fully burnt and smoking. he took it off the head and began to laugh.

"takeaway?" lennon suggested as she laughed.

"takeaway." he agreed, nodding his head.

lennonblue has posted to their story!

lennonblue has posted to their story!

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again, this is so short lol x

anyway, the next chapter will probably be longer seen as how it is a christmas chapter x


love yous x

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