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HE slowly slipped his arm around her body, resting his hand on her waist. she smiled slightly, eyes still glued to the tv, which was playing the first twilight.

he gently pulled her smaller body into his, letting her relax under his hold. her head rested on his chest, and she listened to his heartbeat.

he began tracing circles on her arm.

no one said a thing, just enjoying the comfort of finally having someone to hold, after what seemed like forever.

"i haven't been held in forever." lennon told him softly.

"me neither." he spoke.

she wiggled her body around, so her chest was against his and she was looking at him. they both smiled.

"it's nice." she whispered shyly.

and then for the second time, they met in the middle and kissed. this time, though, they weren't drunk. it was delicate and sweet.

it was so weird to lennon that she was already so comfortable with someone, especially a man, in such a short space of time.

she had known him, a bit over a week and she felt like she knew him forever.

they both pulled away after a while, faces going red. she smiled and laid her head on his chest, her cheek smushing in the process.

he grabbed his phone from the coffee table and took a photo of her, not to post anywhere, but for himself.

they both fell asleep after that, bodies entangled in each other.


they both woke up at five, realising they had slept for two hours without waking up. they laughed about it.

"do you want dinner?" lennon asked the dark haired man, moving to stand up. she headed for the kitchen.

"uhm sure," he nodded, following after her through the small house. "what's for dinner chef?"

"pasta? pizza?" she scanned her fridge and freezer quickly, regretting not doing the grocery shop the day prior, "salad?"

she pulled a head of lettuce out of her fridge and held it up, making him laugh.

"how about i bring you out."he suggested, leaning against the counter.

"i mean, sure, i just need to shower and change." she nodded. "want a ride home?"

"if that's okay." he smiled.

the two walked out to the car and drove to his house, which surprisingly wasn't too far. they made plans to meet at seven for dinner, at some fancy restaurant.

lennon was so excited, she practically skipped through her front door.

it took her an hour to even shower and dry her hair, never mind do makeup and pick an outfit. everything was stressing her out, and when she's frustrated she cries, so she did.

after the mental breakdown, she finished her makeup and slipped on her dress. all austin had told her was that it was a fancy restaurant, so she didn't wear converse, instead swapping them out for heels.

when she got to the restaurant, he was leaning up against a pillar, chewing on his lip nervously. he caught sight of her and nearly died.

"lennon," he called out, catching her attention, also checking her out, "you look stunning."

"you do too," she grinned, kissing his cheek, "shall we?"

"we shall." he smirked, dropping his hand down to her waist and walking them inside.

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